Fic: Laughter, PG

Jul 02, 2011 01:00

Title: Laughter
Author/Artist: stormylullabye
Recipient: rinkafic
Medium: Fic
Word count/length: 1,072
Rating: PG
Characters/pairing: John/Ronon, some Rodney and Teyla
Summary: John wishes Ronon would laugh more.
Additional notes: Written for the 2011 Ronon thing-a-thon at rononficathon. I managed to include two out of the three prompts pretty well (found and laughter), and the third one (hair) is mentioned if you feel like “Where’s Waldo”-ing it. Also, fail!mod is clinging to the 'it's still July 1 somewhere' excuse. Sorry it's so late in the day!

Read here at my journal!

ficathon-02, author: stormylullabye, pairing: ronon/sheppard, rating: pg

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