See? This is why my friends should not encourage me when I have silly ideas like creating a
merlinicons100 community. I end up finding myself signed up :P
Anyway, here is my icon table for my 100 icons of Colin I will have to do in the next three months.
001 adventure002 magic003 love004 friendship
005 green006 red007 blue008 black&white
009 laughter010 smile011 fun012 sad
013 despair014 fear015 happiness016 face
017 eyes018 words019 beauty020 touch
021 concern022 alphabet023 warm024 cold
025 silence026 alone027 colourful028 secrets
029 glory030 textless031 water032 fight
033 hope034 full body035 back036 close-up
037 hand038 quote039 darkness040 light
041 lyrics042 calm043 destiny044 nightmare
045 believe046 tears047 heart048 together
049 triumph050 broken051 artist's choice052 artist's choice
053 artist's choice054 artist's choice055 artist's choice056 artist's choice
057 artist's choice058 artist's choice059 artist's choice060 artist's choice
061 artist's choice062 artist's choice063 artist's choice064 artist's choice
065 artist's choice066 artist's choice067 artist's choice068 artist's choice
069 artist's choice070 artist's choice071 artist's choice072 artist's choice
073 artist's choice074 artist's choice075 artist's choice076 artist's choice
077 artist's choice078 artist's choice079 artist's choice080 artist's choice
081 artist's choice082 artist's choice083 artist's choice084 artist's choice
085 artist's choice086 artist's choice087 artist's choice088 artist's choice
089 artist's choice090 artist's choice091 artist's choice092 artist's choice
093 artist's choice094 artist's choice095 artist's choice096 artist's choice
097 artist's choice098 artist's choice099 artist's choice100 artist's choice
alternative #1alternative #2alternative #3alternative #4
alternative #5alternative #6alternative #7alternative #8
alternative #9alternative #10
And this is just an overview for myself really:
Batch #01, icons 001-012, 26/12/09*
Batch #02, icons 013-026, 27/12/09*
Batch #03, icons 027-042, 07/01/10*
Batch #04, icons 043-059, 11/01/10*
Batch #05, icons 060-076, 13/01/10*
Batch #06, icons 077-100, 14/01/10 My gorgeous banner made by the gorgeous
sequanne ♥
- icon table by
sequanne - Pictures:
RSAMD's Flickr - #27
A Night Less Ordinary &
Philippa Gedge - #6, #17, #28, #34, #36, #51, #52, #53, #84, #85, #90
*screencaps by
gealach_ros and myself
Merlin's Keep - #22, #30, #72, #73
gealach_ros: #98
Comments are always welcome and please credit
ronsoftie if using, and please do not hotlink.