I slept till past 8am, YAY!!
Dell is asleep!!
I'm considering my day, lots to do but not much motivation yet
I want to get the attic sorted this weekend and I brought a bag of marking home
- take up lino - that was a hot job, my glasses kept slipping off
- bag lino
- clean floor
- furniture out
- lay carpet
- move furniture
- take bed up
- make bed up
- make bed - there are no screws it's all ready, layed out but no fixings :(
- clean furniture
- wax furniture
- move bedside tables upstairs
- sort rug and hoover
Housework - front room
- clean Sylvester
- tidy front room
- sweep out sofas
- clean TV while cool
- sort fish
- sort dvd player, need to record stuff for yshala
Housework - back room and kitchen
- sort washing
- washing on
- washing out
- washing on
- washing out
- washing on
- washing out
- washing on
- washing out
- washing on
- washing out
- washing away
- ironing
- clothes away
- sort papers on table
- tidy back room
- tidy kitchen
- dishwasher on
- empty dishwasher
Housework - bedroom
- tidy
- clothes away
- change Dell's bed - was hoping to switch Dell to the attic bed so I could sort the bed she's in - no chance now she got up so I did it
- change my bed
Housework - bathroom
- tidy
- Get Ericom sorted - not happening till Monday
- sort C&G form
- sort OCR form
- work out how many portfolios need doing and list
Extra bits
- Go on Wii
- revisit Wii
- revisit Wii
- revisit Wii
- revisit Wii
- sort bookshelves as far as I can, I think it'll wait till the holidays
- breakfast for me
- sort days pills for Dell
- bath/shower
- get dressed
just having a nice chat with Mum