
Jun 04, 2007 23:53

John keeps changing his tune. I walked out of our apartment Saturday morning to run errands and I had flowers waiting for me. He also called me on Thursday night, crying. And then he's hurt by the fact that I'm hesitant to call him my boyfriend again after all of this. Let's see how you feel in a week. I don't say it to hurt him, I say it to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

dansolomon June 5 2007, 05:37:37 UTC
Well, I know every circumstance is different, and one person can never truly understand the relationship that others have, but since you're putting it out there...

Clearly he's looking for something. And it seems just as clear that it's not you. He might be chasing heartbreak, or regret, or independence, or any number of things that come from doing a will we/won't we dance with you, but if he wanted to be with you, he'd be with you. It's a miserable thing to hear, I know, but when relationships get hard in these silly ways, where you're not even certain if you actually like one another - it's not the right relationship. If that part isn't easy, then the rest is impossible.

A person who loves you won't play careless with your emotions. Doing so once can be forgivable; making a summer of it means that he finds it more rewarding to play make up/break up than he does to actually be with you.



roobytoosday June 6 2007, 20:49:33 UTC
where you're not even certain if you actually like one another - it's not the right relationship.

liking each other was never a problem.

Dan, you always give such sound, honest, rational advice. Even when it's something I'm already aware of, you always put it better than I or anyone else can to help understand the concepts better. Thank you for that.


royalrebel June 6 2007, 19:56:46 UTC
I don't really have any advice to give except pray. Pray HARD. Ask God to help lead you and John in the direction that will be best for the both of you in the long run, be it apart or together. Pray for anything else that you need now as well (peace, patience, wisdom, whatever). I'll be praying for you too.

God answers prayers Jenn. I can tell you this not only from first hand experience but there are also SO many verses in the Bible that promise us this. Some good ones are in Luke ch.11 where Jesus teaches on prayer:



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