So today has already been fun, because I went to bed at midnight and couldn't fall asleep until after 5:30 am. I had to wake up at 9 am, and we're leaving at 10 am for North Jersey.
Last night I had a third dream about the house next year [the first involving me being locked out and a second where I got rabies from a raccoon]. This time it was haunted.
This weekend I went to Justin's once, saw the Real Cancun, laughed a lot, went to a lame party, showed Liz my bra, ate many cream puffs, went to Keane's once, freaked a pizza guy out, celebrated my father's birthday, and cross stitched.
Also today [14th] is my little brother's birthday. I WILL KNIFE U IN THE FACE LOLZ. JK I LUV U.
Right now I am eating a peanut butter and (raspberry) jelly (jam) sandwich (with the crusts cut off, bien sur) with fresh raspberries from erdnussbaum's garden! It is the best thing that has happened to me today.
So I have to express my deep love for Joe, as he is incredibly awesome and braved Camden to take me home from Philly. I'm sorry if you were late for your paper route. I felt like a horrible person, and I also forgot to give you money for bridge toll / gas.
Today I went to Atlantic City and saw some really dirty things and depressing old people.