Title: Inertia
masanamiCharacter(s): Hotsuma/Shusei
Word Count: 2,301
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-explicit sex.
Summary: They may be broken but as long as they keep going they can keep the pieces together.
Author's Note: A birthday present for
ravanna ♥ Happy birthday, bb! She wanted something heartbreaking and with arguing. I hope you like it, hun~
Sometimes Hotsuma forgets how fragile it’s become between them. )
Comments 19
Thanks for sharing!
You make me like a masochist, bb D: XD!
As always I love how your words flow so well, I read and read and then realized that I reached the end D:, GAH! And HOW can you make your smut so beautiful, HOT ( my face went like .////. asdf) and heart-breaking? WOW, I felt so many emotion during this scene :)
It was a bittersweet sad scene when Hotsuma found himself back into Shu's arms and held him tightly. GAHH MY HEAAAAAAAAAART *sobs hard*
I'm sure ravanna will love it to death <333~
asjdhkhkashd my smut writing, beautiful? LOL I kinda felt like I copped-out on a lot of it hurr-hurr. I think that scene was a my favorite though, with Shusei trying to cover his scars and Hotsuma just having to leave...waaah those boys!
I hope she does^^ haha especially since I wrote it in one night so it was done fast.
And those minor things like your formatting, I really do like it ♥
*dies* I'm SO sorry for the mass of editing, dear HAHA *embarrassed*
LOL no worries <333
With you writing such beautiful fics in Shusei's perspective and Ravanna-chan writing in Hotsuma's, your fellow fangirls are gonna die from moe overload sooner or later XD I'm sure Ravanna-chan would love this fic too!
Ooooooh the heartache!! Our boys being back in the dark days filled with guilt and self-loathing... ;3; *sobs* I loooooove the flow of your words, and the scenes just come so naturally into my mind ♥
Loved the smut too ♥ bittersweet and subtle, I could feel the emotions the boys were going through. They were so in-character ♥ and the way they argued, it's so them!
No matter what happens, they will always come home feeling safe. Home being their other half's arms ♥ Loved it bb ♥ *hugs*
Flow is so, so important to me when I write...and it's just amazing to hear that you like it. I'm glad the smut was okay too. I don't really feel like I can write smut very well, so the fact that it worked in the way I wrote it makes me feel quite a bit relieved. I always get so nervous about that stuff orz
waaaah thank you for the lovely words Haru-chan! I feel so inspired ♥
Ehehe ♥ Keep the Hotsu x Shusei love coming hun ♥
Pfft. Do not feel small as a writer. You are an amazing writer and I love your works and wannnnt more of them. I am literally on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter of your fic here^^
right now I'm feeling like the most precious thing in the world
Youuuu are precious to me <3333
Hahah, well, thank you ♥ Hope you'll have fun with that one too as soon as I put it on.
And you are precious to me, too, darling. You so aaaaare~
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