Title: Beneath the Stars
masanamiCharacter(s): Hotsuma/Shusei, Senshirou/Kuroto
Word Count: 750
Rating: R
Warnings: Suggestive word choice^^
Summary: 25 sentence drabbles about Hotsuma and Shusei's relationship.
Author's Note: I'm trying to inspire my muse, but I haven't been having much luck so far.
Shusei’s eyes can see everything-but for some reason he can never clearly see Hotsuma’s true feelings )
Comments 22
ILU ♥, please never stop writing HotsuShu. Never ever. ♥
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Huuuu~ they are all so LOVELY and BEAUTiFUL ♥
You make me want to read more and more, wah XD
My favourites are Invitation, Lost, Rough, Sight, Phones, Double Dates--- wait........ I'm almost listing everything. asdhahshad xD""""
I agree with lysander_0, you said a lot with just some few words. You did such an awesome job, bb!
Thanks to you, I guess, I understand them better than before ^__^
Now you make me grave for more of your fics haha ;A; <3*grabby hands*
I'm working on more fics, promise! My multi-chapter fic is almost at the point where I can post the first chapter...and...the other night I wrote this really weird fic...but I don't even know if I should post it...IT'S REALLY WEIRD. LOL
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I love your commentary on the ones you liked the most^^ They may be short, but it's fun to try to cram as much as you can into one sentence!
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