Completely addicted to it, damn it all to hell XDD;;;;
So here, have some pics XD Lots of BASARA. Lots of SanaDate. LOL WHAT happened to Kojyurou????
I drew this on a whim and it actually turned out pretty well, considering how I hate drawing kiss scenes and I can't really do them. I like the way that Masamune's mouth is formed.
I drew this today. WITHOUT ERASING AT ALL OMG. I am so proud of myself over how this turned out XD; cuz Tegaki has no erase function (you can use the paint tool to paint over the mistake, but I didn't do that), no layers, and no rotation or whatever. So I had to cock my head to look at Sanada's face and draw it that way.
Yes, he is feeling up Masamune's arm. Cuz I always had this idea that Masamune is actually scarred from the smallpox; but because he's really pale, it's rather faint in most areas, but the scars look like scales (like a reptile) up close. It's the worst around his eye. His skin feels slightly more rough, but is also cool to the touch (yeah, I imagine him to be a complete reptile... XD;). So Sanada's kinda examining him.
yeah. Randomly licking. A window or a mirror? You decide.
Crawling. Just wanted to practice a pose like this where he's on his hands (and knees?). I thought it turned out pretty well, so there's a pencil and paper version that I drew today and shaded in more detail.
(Which a student said: "SENSEI WHAT IS THIS."
Student: "FOR WHAT XDDD.")
Finally, cross over of EPIC PROPORTIONS. OR something.
Sendai Team. XDDDD Cuz there's a Tokyo Team and Osaka Team, why not a Sendai Team? But dude if he's been playing since Sengoku, then that means he's passed how many times?