Tutorials #11 and #12

May 27, 2011 18:50


Tools on Photoshop CS5:
- Color Balance
- Vibrance
- Brightness/contrast
- Smudge Tool


by slayground ( real size)

Layer list: here

1/Layer 2: When I snagged the picture, I already more or less knew what I wanted: an icon with a duality between light and shadows with movement in it. TO not break the atmosphere, I resized it to an height of 80px. ( using Image -> Resize to keep the aspect ratio) Then I slided the resized picture to my icon base.
Then, I used the smudge tool to extend your background. I always use the smudge tool to a strength of 40% and in normal mode. The size will vary, between 5-10. No more. Magnify your base at 300% (instead of the default 100%) in writing 300% here. It will help you to be more precised when you work. And now it is a work of patience. I don't really have any other advises than just being patient and try things. You can switch from 100% to 300% and so on to see the result. As I want movement in the icon, the background shouldn't be plain and perfect. And the darkest color should be in the same side than the darkest side of the character.


2/Layer 2 copy to layer 2 copy 4: As we barely see what is on the icon, we need light. Duplicate the base 3 times and set all those layers to screen.


3/Brightness/Contrast 1: As you see, the trouble when you screen an image a lot is that it becomes all grainy and loses contrast. I decided to open a brightness/contrast layer because it always increases the contrast a lot and you can create the balance you want with the brightness.

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Brightness/Contrast
Brightness: 31
Contrast: 100


4/Vibrance 1: Now it is time to make some colors. I wanted to color the shadows of the icon. For that, I opened a vibrance tool which control the saturation (and so the color of the shadows).

Layer -> New adjustments layer -> Vibrance
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: +50

5/Color Balance 1: Now, it is time to properly color it. The vibrance tool wasn't enough and there is too much yellow in the shadows. I need to control the overall coloring. I opened a color balance layer.

Layer -> New adjustments layer -> Color balance layer
Midtones: +45, -08, +97


6/Layer 4: Now it is time to create movement. Open the texture (by slayground) and resize it a little bit. I tried many times resizing/sliding it at the top of the layers to find the effect I wanted.
I set the layer to screen.

7/Layer 2 copy 6: As I set the texture to screen, I lost a bit of contrast and colors. As I wanted contrast and a strong color, I duplicate the base and put the duplicate at the top of the layer list. Then, I set it to soft light.

8/Final: Now, merge all your layers and sharpen the icon:

Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen
Edit -> Fade sharpen

Final result:

- Tutorials masterlist
- Don't even try to ask for a .PSD.
- Fell free to ask all the questions you want!
- You can ask a tutorial of everything posting in that comm.
- Sorry for any spelling mistakes, no existant grammar in some sentences.
- Keep in mind those settings may not work on your pictures!


Tools on Photoshop CS5:
- Color Balance
- Vibrance
- Brightness/contrast
- Smudge tool


by ohfreckle

Layer List: here

1/Layer 2: Resize your cap (using Image ->Resize) and slide the pic to your base. It took me a bit to find the right size to have this crop. SO jsut eb patient and don't hesitate to resize many times your original picture. BUT Be careful, to be sure to not have a pixelly image, when you resize go back to the real size and then resize again then go back to the real size etc etc. Don't resize over and over again without going back to the real size.

2/Brightness/Contrast 1: LIGHT! We need light? The cap is pretty colorful by itself already so let's see if a bit of light can be enough (yes I'm lazy like that)

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Brightness/Contrast
Brightness: 108
Contrast: 85


3/Layer 9: Not bad. But the whole empty space on his cheek bothers me so I decided to use a texture. When I applied it, I didn't like the effect it had on the icon so I used the smudge too to have the effect I wanted to have. I turned the texture vertically and then begun to smudge it. I always use the smudge tool to a strength of 40% and in normal mode. The size will vary, between 5-10.
original texture (by ohfreckle) - my result


Set it to screen


4/Vibrance 1: As you see, we don't have any contrasts but we can see the colors that are under a kind of veil (due to the texture). So first, I tried to pimp the colors.

Layer -> New adjustments layer -> Vibrance
Vibrance: +45
Saturation: +25


5/Layer 2 copy and Layer 2 copy 2: With the vibranc elayer, we can see a bit more colors but it is not enough. Duplicate the base twice, put the 2 duplicates at the top of your layer list and set them to soft light.


6/Color Balance 1: Now I just want to make the icon to look a bit more natural with more pink/red than yellow. I wanted something soft so I opened a color balance layer:

Layer -> New adjustments layer -> Color balance layer
Midtones: +38, +05, +10

7/Final: Now, merge all your layers and sharpen the icon:

Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen
Edit -> Fade sharpen

Final result:

- Tutorials masterlist
- Don't even try to ask for a .PSD.
- Fell free to ask all the questions you want!
- You can ask a tutorial of everything posting in that comm.
- Sorry for any spelling mistakes, no existant grammar in some sentences.
- Keep in mind those settings may not work on your pictures!


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