Tutorial #17

Jun 06, 2011 19:49



Tools on Photoshop CS5:
- Hue/saturation
- Color balance
- Channel mixer
- Brightness/contrast


by ohfreckle

by skydawnjade

Layer list here

1/Layer 3 copy: We will work on the first picture first. Resize it and put it at the top of your icon base. With the erase, put away the bright part of the bottom part of the picture.

2/Layer 3 copy 2: In order to have more lights, duplicate your base and set it to screen.

3/Layer 5: Now it is time to work with the second picture. Resize it and slide it to you icon base. In order to "melt" the 2 pictures, set it to lighten. tadammm you just blend 2 pictures:

I used exactly the same technique on the followings:

4/Layer 5 copy: We need more lights! Duplicate the layer 5 and set it to screen.

5/Hue/saturation 1: I wanted to make the colors appear. As the caps are in blu-ray quality, I tried a hue/saturation layer.

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Hue/Saturation
Hue: +180
Saturation: +41
Lightness: 0

6/Layer 8: As you see on the tp picture, some light is coming from the background. You can use this and create a light that would not feel awkward. Open this texture (by ohfreckle) I want to use only the part in black so with a smudge tool, I extend the black part of the icon. Set it to screen.

original texture / retouched texture / result on the cap


7/Layer 7: The result is not what I expected it to be. But, the light gave me an idea. I can do an icon that will play with the contrasts and lights. Open this texture (by ohfreckle) and set it to soft light. This texture is perfect because it will increase the contrast of the lower cap and put some lights on the top one.

8/Channel Mixer 1: Now, it is time for a proper coloring. There's not a lot of colors so first, let's try with a channel mixer.

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Channel Mixer
Blue: +53, +43, +200

9/Color balance 1: I like this purple coloring so we will enhance it with a color balance layer. I will work on the shadows and higlights only to increase the gap between the light and the contrast of the icon.

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Color balance
Shadows: +26, +06, +37
Highlights: 0, 0, -8

10/Layer 3 copy 3: As you see, the top picture has less contrasts than the bottom one. I want a balanced result so I duplicate the layer 3, put it at the top of the layer list, and set it to soft light.

11/Brightness/contrast 2: The icon is so contrasted it is all pixelly. Open a brightness contrast layer.

Layer -> New Adjustement Layer -> Brightness/contrast
Brightness: -7
Contrast: -50

12/Layer 9: The only thing this icon needs now is more light. I decided to try with some light blubs. Open a layer and paint a few blubs on it. The, with the gaussian blur, blur them a little bit. Set the opacity to 67%.

Texture / Result


13/Hue/saturation copy 1: I wanted to enhance the coloring a bit more to not let the white blubs so I dublicate the hue saturation layer we did before and put it at the top of the layers.

14/Final: Merge all your layers and you're done!

- Tutorials masterlist
- Don't even try to ask for a .PSD.
- Fell free to ask all the questions you want!
- You can ask a tutorial of everything posting in that comm.
- Sorry for any spelling mistakes, no existant grammar in some sentences.
- Keep in mind those settings may not work on your pictures!


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