Just Another Love Story Yo

Sep 05, 2014 22:43

Just Another Love Story Yo
For: inkcoherent
Rating: (PG-15 for language)
Length: (2881 words)
Summary: (Kyungsoo hates movies but he has a crush on Lu Han, the DVD store part-
Warning(s): (none)

“You’re so whipped.” Chanyeol declares with a sly smile and laughs maniacally. “You didn’t even like movies. One minute of opening and you’re halfway to dreamland already. Movies bore you so much I have to shake you awake every minute or so. Oh my god. You’re so so whipped!”

Kyungsoo ignores the blabbering giant as he flips through a magazine that recommends all kind of movies and their review. It’s too early to deal with an asshole that is Park Chanyeol.

What he said isn’t exactly wrong either. He might or might not have a crush on the DVD store part-timer named Lu Han. The guy is so nice and friendly, but he got a little twist in his personality, that weirdly, turns him on even more.

At first, his intention was innocent. All he wanted was for Lu Han to recommend him some movies to help him get to know more about Korean histories. Kyungsoo majors in literature and he had a hard time to fully understand the history part. As much as he wanted to write a paper without reading anything about Korean history, he found himself met a dead-end over and over again.

Lu Han suggested the most brilliant idea he’s ever heard (or maybe he’s just too lovestruck with Lu Han) then; to have Kyungsoo visit the store every week and Lu Han will be there, prepared with his movies recommendation.

Lu Han was a sweetheart when they first met. He patiently explained what he’d need to watch in order to find out more about certain part of Korean history and Kyungsoo was more than elated to meet such an angel.

Everything he did just scream the holy creature but there’s an event when Lu Han scolded a couple of high school students who was caught red-handed attempting to steal some DVDs. It was quite a view (and hot as hell), considering Kyungsoo never saw him frown even a bit and that’s when his heart went out of control.

Whipped may not be it but he’s pretty sure he’s going there.

“See? You didn’t even deny it!” Chanyeol points to the magazine and laughs again; his hand holds his belly and almost doubles over like he just hears the funniest joke ever.

“Is it so funny? Is it that funny?” Kyungsoo rolls the magazine and hits Chanyeol’s head, hard. The giant doesn’t even bat an eyelash; resuming his cackles so loud after a short pause Kyungsoo wishes he chokes on his spit. Kyungsoo sighs. “Lu Han hyung probably has a boyfriend already. It’s not that hard to fall in love with him.”

Chanyeol finally stops laughing and puts on his serious face. “I don’t think so, but if he does, I have an idea. Make him break up with his boyfriend. If you can’t do it, kill him.”

“Your idea sucks.” Kyungsoo hits him again, more gently this time, and Chanyeol just laughs on his face again. He wishes Chanyeol chokes on a fly and dies.

Kyungsoo brings his attention back to the magazine. His eyes droop a little at various titles and paragraphs of endless reviews but his intention remains strong. Kyungsoo and Lu Han barely have any similarities that he knows of so the least he can do is to look for the most obvious and very much basic thing first.

It doesn’t work as smooth as he predicted it would be though. He yawns every one minute and his eyelids get heavier each second. Chanyeol is right. What the hell is he doing, really?

He heaves a sigh. There’s no class today but he does have some things to do, but not until late in the afternoon. Maybe, he should sleep in some more and tune out Chanyeol and his crazy antics completely.

It’s just too early for this.


“Yo! Kyungsoo!” Lu Han waves enthusiastically and pats an empty chair beside him. “Here! Here! I have your movies ready!”

Kyungsoo strolls to the soft cushion and makes himself comfortable. The store is almost empty save some high school female students here and there, searching for their dear oppa’s latest album.

Though Kyungsoo’s here for renting movies, there are also DVDs available for purchase only. The place is pretty popular among students. It’s usually crowded at night, so he visits mostly in the afternoon.

“I have three movies in store for you this week. Not all action like you initially preferred. I figure you can try watching some romance or comedy movies this time. Guns and explosives get boring if you see it too much.” Lu Han says as he slides the three DVDs to Kyungsoo and nods, telling Kyungsoo to take a look.

Too bad Kyungsoo has an appointment to meet up with his college friends and discuss what they are going to do for final group project. Of course, Kyungsoo prefers to stay here as long as he can and probably worship Lu Han’s face while he’s at it. But a drop out student doesn’t sound cool as some people (like Chanyeol) make it to be so he toughens himself up and pulls away from the temptation.

“Just wrap them up. I wouldn’t ask you to recommend me movies if I don’t trust your choice.” Sliding the DVDs back to Lu Han, Kyungsoo gives the pretty man his sweetest smile. Not too wide in fear of looking like grinning Chanyeol which is creepy as fuck. Kyungsoo hopes it’s charming enough to swoon Lu Han even if for a bit because he really, really likes the elder.

“Okay!” Lu Han responds in his employee voice default. Within several seconds, Lu Han has his movies in an orange plastic bag and he names the price.

Kyungsoo pays and shyly diverts his gaze to anyone but Lu Han when the DVD store part-timer takes a glance at him.

“Enjoy the movies and don’t forget to return it next week. See you next week, Kyungsoo!” Lu Han exclaims.

“Um. Thank you, and, see you. Yeah, see you.” Kyungsoo says and gives him a small wave with his hand. Good job for no stuttering like a wuss this time.

He proceeds to go out of the store but he stops, and runs back to where Lu Han is humming Junggigo and Soyu’s Some to himself. Something stirs in Kyungsoo and he stops in his track.

No. He’s not whipped. He just sees a person who sparks his interest and there’s nothing bizarre about making an effort to get to know that person’s job and wanting to have a good time with him just because he’s nice to everyone and he sort of wishes he’s only nice to him but he’s a fucking employee of DVD store of course being nice to everyone is one of the job’s requirements- bottom-line is, Kyungsoo wants to be that special someone to Lu Han. But how?

“Kyungsoo! Do you need anything else? Did you forget something?” Lu Han is suddenly so close to him. “Hello?”

“Um...” Kyungsoo steps back and fidgets with his fingers. Fuck. He was pretty much dripping with confidence minutes ago. Why does it feel like the world’s going to eat him raw if he doesn’t say anything now? “Well. Um. I was wondering, um, if we can watch movies together. I mean, I can watch it myself but sometimes, it gets a little bit frustrating when I realize I have no one to tell what I think about what I’m watching and Chanyeol is busy except when I need him the least so...”

He’s rambling too much but Lu Han doesn’t stop him. Speaking of the devil (angel?), when he looks up, Lu Han’s no longer anywhere in his sight. He widens his eyes. What the hell? His shoulders deflate in disappointment. Maybe he was too forward. Maybe he’s not his type like Chanyeol predicted. Maybe-

“My number!” Lu Han grabs Kyungsoo’s palm and pats it softly three times before flashes Kyungsoo a smile. Kyungsoo looks down and sees an orange post-it with scribbles of numbers on it. “Every day, after 10pm, I’m always free. Just give a ring and I’ll come to you! See you when I see you, Kyungsoo!”

Kyungsoo thinks he just experiences an instant heart attack.


“Nice room.” Lu Han comments, plopping down on Kyungsoo mattress.

It’s two days after Lu Han gave his number. Kyungsoo thought it was bad idea to invite him when his roommate isn’t around, but then again, his roommate is Chanyeol so he had a rather excruciating dilemma back then. Chanyeol insisted it’s a brilliant idea and called Lu Han without his consent. Lu Han agreed instantly and promised that he will bring lots of snacks, which he did. Lots of them.

“Spicy rice cakes, ramyun, chips, popcorn, take your pick! I also bring some cold beers. Chanyeol said you can hold your alcohol well so I bring a lot!” Lu Han skillfully takes out each snack from a big plastic bag he carries around and arranges them in a perfect line. “What do you want to watch?”

Kyungsoo reluctantly turns on the TV and the DVD player. It’s his room but it feels like he’s the guest.

Lu Han invades his room like he’s been there often and knows its every nook and cranny. This is the effects that kind of make Kyungsoo uncomfortable around him, but then again, not really. It’s just the awkwardness of not knowing each other well just yet. Yes, just that.

Chanyeol and Lu Han hit it off the moment Kyungsoo introduced them and now he regrets it. Also, a little bit jealous of it. Now that they know each other, they talk about Kyungsoo behind his back and it happened more often lately. Kyungsoo isn’t sure whether it’s a good thing or not. Chanyeol can talk trash about him even though he doesn’t mean to because he’s dumb like that. It’s not time to indulge his jealousy now though. Lu Han’s here and that’s all he has to focus on. Move on.

“Out of the movies you recommended to me this week, I was thinking of watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. What do you think?” Kyungsoo asks.

“I think it’s perfect!” Lu Han cheers. His teeth are already busy chewing on spicy rice cakes and chips at the same time. Kyungsoo doubts that it’s a perfect choice at all. He has a feeling that he’d say that whatever he picked because Lu Han’s nice like that. “Come sit beside me, Kyungsoo! Try these rice cakes. It’s really yummy!”

“Uh. Sure.” Kyungsoo grips tight on the remote control and wills himself not to call Chanyeol. The jackass will surely laugh at him for not being able to do the easiest thing in his to-do list (well, maybe Kyungsoo’s having a second thought on categorizing it as the easiest thing. He didn’t know watching a movie with your crush can be so nerve-wrecking). He sits close to Lu Han but he carefully keeps his distance. The guy is really pretty up-close and as cheesy as it sounds, the sight literally takes Kyungsoo’s breath away.

Kyungsoo lets out the breath he just realizes he’s been holding since he has no idea when. He shudders. That was really dangerous if he didn’t actually come to his sense.

The snacks are quick to be consumed. Kyungsoo steers away from the beer as subtle as he can. He loves alcohol, but he doesn’t want to end up ruining what might be his only chance with Lu Han. It’s true that he can handle alcohol way better than anyone he has met, but he never drinks with Lu Han.

He’d be in trouble if Lu Han turns out to be a better drinker than he is. Unwanted things can occur and that would be the last thing he wants right now.

Kyungsoo isn’t sure what happens after that but the next thing he knows, there’s something poking his cheek repeatedly with so much force Kyungsoo gets an urge to grab it and bite it until it comes off and die.

Thank god he doesn’t do it because when his eyes fly open, he stares at the one and only amused Lu Han, and a chip shoved to Kyungsoo’s closed mouth. Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows in disgust.

“You’re awake!” Lu Han licks at the chip and throws it to his mouth. “So cute.”

Kyungsoo frowns at the last words, assuming he heard it wrong and blaming it to his lack of consciousness, and yawns. Shit. He fell asleep, didn’t he? “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Chanyeol told me you’re not really a movie person. He didn’t tell me you’re super cute when you do that though.” Lu Han munches on another chip.

He’s so screwed. Why did he tell the dumbo about his angel again? Right. Because Kyungsoo’s having pains of keeping it to himself and Chanyeol is his only friend who actually cares. Kyungsoo didn’t know he’s this miserable until now.

Lu Han doesn’t seem to mind much about his rather weird habit though. Blushing, Kyungsoo clears his throat and takes a chip for himself. Why suddenly is it so hot here? “I’m not cute.”

“Oh yes you are! I like cute people, and as long as I can remember, no one is as cute as you. Why don’t you date me? I’m very much single and I really want to date you.” Munch munch munch. “That, if you want to.”

“Are you sure you’re single?” Kyungsoo asks.

“Yup. I think I told you that. And I like you so can we date?”

Kyungsoo stares at him, loss for words, as his mind actively scream YOU’RE SO DEAD PARK FUCKING CHANYEOL. He’s so positive Chanyeol told him about Kyungsoo’s felling toward the elder and now he’s hiding his precious soul that Kyungsoo’s going to rip apart.

“Did Chanyeol tell you?” Kyungsoo asks after what feels like an hour.

Lu Han stops munching and drinks his beer until the last drop. His face turns serious but the chapping sounds he’s producing afterward instantly defeat the whole thing. “Yeah, but, don’t get me wrong. Before Chanyeol told me, I already liked you so he absolutely didn’t make me do this. I’ve always wanted to date you but you’re really unpredictable so I played safe by taking my time real slowly.”

Okay. That’s new. Kyungsoo thought he’s made himself clear that he’s very much interested in him, but that went wrong somewhere in the way, apparently. So he’s been so vague at displaying himself to Lu Han. Well, Kyungsoo was never smooth when it comes to relationship anyway so maybe that’s one of many ways to put it.

“You don’t have to date me if you don’t want to? Is this too soon?” Lu Han hesitantly asks, slowly realizing that things have gone more awkward than he thought it’d be.

Sure, it’s only been a month or two since they met and they didn’t share much about themselves those past days. But, as long as they know that they want each other, that’d be a good reason to start, right?

But then again, Kyungsoo doesn’t really care about that now. He just wants Lu Han and the elder openly offers himself. He’s a fool if he rejects him after sacrificing some slumber time to read shits he doesn’t really care about in the first place. Not that he can’t learn to like it too eventually.

“Maybe it is too soon, but you know what? Fuck it.” Kyungsoo leaves his still scattering mind and leans in to kiss Lu Han. It tastes a little bit salty and dizzying but he’s too happy to complain about it.

He’s the one who initiates the kiss anyway so he should just take what he’s able to get while he can.

Lu Han doesn’t seem to mind.

When Kyungsoo scoots closer to deepen the kiss, Lu Han pulls away slightly. Kyungsoo blinks.

“What?” Kyungsoo asks.

Gone all the innocent images about Lu Han (not that it hasn’t before) and here comes the sexier one.

His eyes are half-opened and his gaze is fixed on Kyungsoo’s lips. He looks so hot like this. Looks like a little bit high on drugs too. Kyungsoo wonders what can’t wait until later because all he can think of is Lu Han and kisses.

“I just want to know. Are we boyfriends now?” Lu Han asks.

Oh. Well, that’s kind of important.

Kyungsoo contemplates this for a moment and his mouth casually blurts out, “Can I fuck you?”

“What- fuck me?” Lu Han seems to be caught off by the random question.

Kyungsoo reels back. Was that too straightforward?

Shrugging, Lu Han answers without batting an eyelash. “Sure. Why not?” Thank god.

“It’s a yes then.” Kyungsoo smiles and nips Lu Han’s lower lip before slipping his tongue inside Lu Han’s mouth again. It’s still so tasty Kyungsoo sort of cringes but he thinks he’s totally okay with it for now. He’s close to having a real taste of Lu Han anyway.

Chanyeol is still very much a jerk but Kyungsoo has to thank him some day for spilling the beans.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to even imagine getting into Lu Han’s pants.

That definitely has to wait though.

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