I suppose you were feeling the need to change it up a bit? Alrighty then.
I must however, comment on the wonky-like layout you've put colored this place up with, do you think you want to change the style? The actual images and colours look lovely, but your introduction sidebar and your blog posts seem to have a rather intimate closeness going on at this point.
But here's to making this new little cyberspace like home~ (I promise, I'll post more of those one-shots soon. I just have to not forget anymore.)
Too lazy to log inand_zeroApril 23 2007, 11:16:22 UTC
Really? They fit in their things for me. O.o; Can you take a screenshot?
Also, thanks! And yes, I will have to go read yours 'cause I was going to the club to make myself a administrator and I was like "!!!! SOMEONE POSTED O_O OMG OMG OMG ... wow i suk ._."
Comments 12
I must however, comment on the wonky-like layout you've put colored this place up with, do you think you want to change the style? The actual images and colours look lovely, but your introduction sidebar and your blog posts seem to have a rather intimate closeness going on at this point.
But here's to making this new little cyberspace like home~ (I promise, I'll post more of those one-shots soon. I just have to not forget anymore.)
Also, thanks! And yes, I will have to go read yours 'cause I was going to the club to make myself a administrator and I was like "!!!! SOMEONE POSTED O_O OMG OMG OMG ... wow i suk ._."
For once, it actually works both at home and at school too >_>
What browser are you using?
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