LOST Season 3 thoughts (Mostly for Lusco)

Jun 30, 2006 17:28

*Directors meeting*
Man1: "Okay guys, season 2 went great"
Man2: "Yea, That electromagnetic buildup explosion really threw everyone off!"
Man3: "Annnndd ratings went up 20%"
All: "Mmmmmmm...."
Man1: "Any Ideas for Season 3? I want them to REALLY crap their pants out of surprise this time."
Man2: "Let's have the 'Others' turn out to be space-aliens!"
Man3: "Let's add Velociraptors!"
Man1: "Ooh.. and the Cloud monster can turn out to be a hybrid cloud-velociraptor experiment gone wrong!"
All: "Genius!"
Man3: "Oh, and Desmond, and John are still alive."
Man1: "Right, but we have to keep holding out on that cripple story, it's driving them crazy, hahaha."
Man2: "Agreed."
Man3: "How about Land-Sharks?"
Man1: "Not at this moment, but there's always SEASON 4.... Okay, that's good for now, anyone up for some KFC?"
Man2+3: "Yay!"
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