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Title: Everything Was Beautiful
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Bill/Fleur
Rating: PG, to be safe; might be G
Spoilers: HBP
Disclaimer: This just came to me when I was watching Toy Story 2! "Everything is Beautiful" is a song in the movie. Also, Harry Potter, related characters, and situations belong to JKR.
When somebody loved me,
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
lives within my heart (Randy Newman, from Toy Story 2)
His memories had now cluttered themselves together--like one of those muggle moving pictures--and they seem to be replaying themselves over and over again through his mind, showing him no pity at all. There were times when he was happy, when he was sad, times that he lived to regret--all bunched up together like there was no difference. The hardest part was that there seem to be no end, no stop button.
And he could easily identify the memories that had her in them. Sometimes, he felt that she was in very one of them, even ones long before he knew her. There were times when he was working on curses in Charms, or playing a game of Quiddith with his brothers. Then somewhere in the image a shape or picture of her would appear, then suddenly he found himself staring at the real thing. She was always happy, smiling and laughing, in his memories. Always. Like she was incapable of any other emotion. But he was sure that there had been times when she had frowned, angered, cried; and also times when he had been the cause of them all.
He remembered the time he had proposed to her. He had been sweating, swallowing, breathing hard--just downright nervous. Fleur had been mumbling about something that worried her and he was pretty sure that there was no smile on her face. She had been distraught. However, someone had came in and edited his memories, and all he could see was the moment she had squealed with glee, leaping into his arms. He hadn't even been sure that he was ever going to gather enough courage to propose, but he did. Proposing was one of the biggest regrets in his entire life; yet it was one of his fondest memories. And Bill Weasley knew, well he hopes, that it was one of Fleur's fondest memories as well.
They had both been happy, hadn't they? The day they said their vows just outside the Burrow in front of a dwindling audience of about 30 or more people. Bill couldn't be sure; he could hardly remember who was there and what they did. All he could think of was the giddy expression on her face and how her eyes lit with tears when she had squeaked, "I am Missus Bell Veasley!" And even with her atrocious French accent (she had come very far with her English though), those had been the most wonderful words Bill had ever heard. Had he smiled too? He was pretty sure that he did. Fleur's happiness was so bold that it must have been infectious. "Everyzing is so bootiful, izint?" Of course it was. Fleur was beautiful and Fleur was his everything. Now that she was happy, nothing else mattered.
That was when he decided to peruse his memory bank, find out when Fleur was unhappy and why. He had to find a way to make it up to her. He raided the memories over and over. The things he found completely appalled him.
There was a time when he had tried to protect her, by shutting himself in the attic on the full moon. Fleur had been furious! Bill had been surprised because that was the first time she had ever been genuinely angry at him. "You are not a werevolf!" she had snapped. "And pretending izint going to make you one." But she hadn't understood. He wasn't pretending; he was never himself around the full moon. Of course he never transformed, but he could feel the madness coursing through his entire body. He was afraid that he might lose control. Fleur didn't understand, she never understood.
Then the Ministry of Magic passed the Magical Alien Acts, three of them--Alien Registration Acts, Alien Separation Acts, and Alien Martial Acts. Made life hell from Remus Lupin who, as Fleur would say, "was a real werewolf." He couldn't get a job. St. Mungo's refused to treat him. And worse of all, he couldn't marry the love of his life, Nymphadore Tonks. Now that Bill thought on it, the Acts made life hell from almost everyone else. Tonks stood by Remus with all that she had. And Hagrid, too, was considered an alien because he was half-giant.
Not many defended them. After the giants and werewolves joined the side of You-Know-Who, everyone seemed afraid of anything different from them. The times were terrible. And slowly Fleur's smile withered away because she had a husband who consider himself a victim of the Acts. Day after day became a constant battle--Fleur reminding him that he was 100% human and Bill angrily rejecting her statement.
Finally, his wife broke down into tears. "Why are you puneeshing us?" she had asked. "We were happy, were we not? Everyzing was bootiful. I lov you!" Had he told her he loved her too? He must have! He had to have, because he loved her. He loved her then just as much as he had ever loved her. He must have told her that he loved her. Did she smile when she had heard the words? Did she?
Even if she had heard the words, they hadn't been enough. The next day, Bill had walked into their bedroom and she was packing up her things. "Are you leaving me?" Bill has asked. Despite her strong resolve, Fleur had burst into tears. "No!" she had wailed. "I am lozing you, Bell. You are zlipping away and I do not know vat to do. I can not help you, but I can not vatch you do this to yourself. No, I am not leaving you. You hav already left me."
The words that she said were all rubbish. Absolute rubbish. And Bill had let her know that. "We're in a middle of a bloody war and you're turning against me! This is the kind of thing You-Know-Who wants. He wants us to turn against each other. What is wrong with you? You're my wife, Fleur. Stay here. I can--I will--protect you."
Fleur had snapped back in anger, "I have a wand, I do not? I did not make a Trivizard champion for nothing! I can protect myself, thank you very mooch. And I do not need a protecyor, Bill. I need my husband. I want my husband. I love my husband. I vill be at the Burrow. You let me know when he comes back, vould you not?"
He never did. Fleur was right: everything had been beautiful. Everything. Until he had tainted it.