Nov 27, 2004 11:07

Social Life...
[x] boyfriend: no

[x] what type of automobile do you drive: white '94 lumina
[x] would you rather be with friends or on a date: with friends
[x] do you have a job: yes

[x] do you attend church: no
[x] have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: many times

[x] have you ever cried over the opposite sex: many times
[x] do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nope
[x] have you ever lied to your best friend: everyone lies to their best friend at one point or another
[x] ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: many times
[x] rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
[x] want someone you don't have right now: that's debatable
[x] ever liked your best guy friend: yes
[x] do you want to get married: eventually, yes
[x] do you want kids: definitely
[x] what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes
[x] are you happy with you: right now, yes
[x] are you happy with your life: very
[x] if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: i would make my friends' lives easier

|x| A compliment you got that made you blush: "let's stay out here...i never get to be alone with you"
|x| What makes you happy: boys :-)
|x| Upsets you: people calling me drunk really late at night

Last person--
[ you talked to ]: my mom
[ you hugged ]: amanda

[ you Instant messaged ]: eddie

[ who broke your heart ]: dog...when she ignored me   :-(
[ kissed ]: eddie

+ flown on a plane: yes
+ ever been so drunk you blacked out: no
+ told a guy/girl that you liked them: many times
+ put a body part on fire for amusement: no
+ had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: many times
+ been hurt emotionally: many times
+ kept a secret from everyone: many times
+ had an imaginary friend: yes
+ wanted to hook up with a friend: yes
+ cried during a movie: yes
+ cut your hair: yes, i did it myself once in 1st grade
+ had a crush on a teacher: hell no         but mel wants zynda       :-X        tee hee

+ fav color: cerulean blue
+ day/night: mm...both are nice...........night when there's stars.  :-)
+ summer/winter: summer
+ lace or satin: lace
+ fav movies: super troopers, THE BURBS!
+ fav drink: apple juice
+ fave person to talk to in person: julien
+ person to talk to on the phone: niles
+ person to talk to online: eddie or amanda
+ favorite person to talk to in general: amanda

+ wearing: my big wool socks, black VS's, the bra i stole from amanda, sesame street PJ pants, and my brother's old fire department sweatshirt
+ eating: nothing

+ drinking: nothing

+ listening to: AFI :: Girls Not Grey

+ cried: out of the whole..trojan incident at big boy       lmao so embarassed
+ worn jeans: yes
+ met someone new online: no
+ done laundry: no
+ drove a car: mm hmm...the van and the durango
+ talked on the phone: yes

+ yourself: i try to as much/often as possible
+ your friends: yes
+ santa clause: no

+ tooth fairy: no
+ destiny/fate: YES
+ angels: yes
+ ghosts: yes
+ UFO's: yes
+ God: i wish

+ which one of your friends acts the most like you: amanda? i dunno
+ Which friend have you known the longest: dave kowalski, ben, monica
+ are you close to any family members: my mom and sister
+ who do you go to for stuff: amanda, niles, tim
+ who do you hang around the most: AMANDA, eddie, monica, everyone at joe's van..
+ what's the best feeling in the world: feeling of someone having their arms around you :-)
+ worst feeling: not understanding what or why you're feeling the way you're feeling

First best friend: Kaitlyn Shipman
First real memory of something: mmm....i don't know
First car: my lumina :-D
First boyfriend/girlfriend: matt hebert, sixth grade
First break-up: ^^
First job: babysitting down the street
First screen name: kirtc88 
First self purchased album: maybe N*SYNC
First concert: TRL tour 2000
First funeral: i probably went to alot that I don't remember
First pet: chico and chica
First presidential candidate you voted for: ----
First piercings : Ears
First house/apartment: house in royal oak
First credit card: ----
First love: love is a very strong word.  i'd have to say, my mom.
First enemy: there was this girl in my preschool class that i really hated, but i don't remember her name or anything

Last good cry: hmm...probably my birthday :-(

Last movie seen: watched the ring on tuesday night :-D
Last cuss word uttered: i muttered alot of cuss words when tim called at 1 AM last night drunk again/still
Last beverage drank: apple juice
Last food consumed: rotisserie chicken for breakfast
Last crush: **current** crush = eduardo
Last phone call: tim
Last tv show watched: uhmmmm...i don't know, really.  whatever i was watching last night when amanda and eddie were here
Last shoes worn: my meijer clogs
Last annoyance: the fact that i couldn't get back to sleep this morning
Last disappointment: i haven't had one for a while  :-)
Last soda drank: uhhhh.....some diet coke yesterday at work?
Last thing written: ?
Last key used: backspace
Last words spoken: "no thank you"
Last sleep: last night/this morning
Last IM: eddie.....didn't i answer that already?
Last ice cream eaten: vanilla...i had it thanksgiving night......i just had to
Last time amused: amanda and i being giddy as hell last night lol
Last time in love: love........strong word
Last lipstick used: i don't like lipstick...just chapstick....amanda's stuff that tastes like watermelon lipsmackers, even though it isn't.
Last shirt worn: my shirt that amanda i both wore last night
Last time dancing: i danced while i was bowling last night
Last webpage visited: this one.
Last album you listened to all the way through: Hmm...The Starting Line :: Say It Like You Mean It
Last thing you bought: hahaha.......i payed for bowling, but i didn't buy the bowling alley or anything...
Last piece of REAL mail you got: i don't get real mail, just college shit
Last time you were angry/pissed off: wednesday night when plans got called off...but i wound up happy :-)
Last thing you got for free: THE GRAPES AT BIG BOY !!!!!!!!!
Last book you read: oh wow......uhmm....i don't remember the name of it...but i'm going to look that up RIGHT now!------Wide Open, by Nicola Barker          amazing book
Last movie you saw that you hated: ungh....the 'burbs because it scared the shit out of me.
Last thing you did before filling out this survey: surfed the net lol
Last time you showered: yesterday morning
Last vacation you took: i should be on one right now......but it was probably...damn, this summer when i went to Traverse City with Amanda for my soccer tournament     hells yeah it was fun
Last question you answered: My mom asked if I wanted pancakes and I said no.
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