1. Name - Kirsten
2. Age - 16
3. Location - Michigan
4. Nicknames - Kirst, K-Money, Kirt
5. Status - single
6. Sign - libra
7. School - troy high
8. Siblings - mike and alexis
9. Hair color - Blonde
10. Hair length - longish
11. Eye color - blue
12. Height - 5‘3 1/2
13. Are you smart? - i guess
14. Are you superstitious? - very
15. Do you read your horoscope? - almost every day
16. Do you believe in that stuff? - yes
17. Can you do a cartwheel? - yes
18. Do you have bangs? - nope
19. Do you wear contacts? - nope
20. Braces? - nope
21. Retainer? - nope
22. Do you snore? - i dunno
23. Do you talk in your sleep? - occasionally
24. Do you like onions? - not too much
25. Do you keep a diary? - yes...and i have all of them back to the end of 7th grade
25. Do you like to dance? - sometimes
26. Do you like to sing? - yeah even though i suck
27. Are you good at it? - nope
28. Do you like to talk on the phone? - yes
29. Do you like where you live? - yes
30. Is your room messy right now? - holy shit no i cleaned it today...i even vaccummed
31. Do you like to finger paint? - mm hmm
32. Are you organized? - in a weird way, i guess so yeah
33. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - not anymore...i used to sleep w/ a bear someone gave me for christmas a few years back, but now i hate him so its in the bottom of a box someplace
34. Are you ticklish? - i can be at the right moments ;-)
35. Are you shy? - i can be at the wrong moments
36. Plaid/Stripes - depends
37. Sunshine/Rain - i'd usually say sunshine, but the after the other night, rain is sounding pretty sweet
38. Rain/Snow - rain...warm rain, though
39. Sun/Moon - Moon
40. Silver/Gold - Silver
41. Skaters/Jocks - Skaters
42. Gangsters/Freaks - ew
43. Cds/Cassettes - cd's
44. Are you left or right handed? - right
45. What’s your middle name? - dianne
46. How many piercing you have? - both ears once
47. Where are they [if have any]? - ears
48. Tattoos? - no
49. Best day of your life? - starting line song
50. Shoe size? - 8
51. Who has the sexiest voice in the world? - hmm...YOU
52. What’s your deepest, darkest secret? - i have lots of them
53. What’s your least favorite feature [opposite sex]? - chick hands
54. What’s your favorite feature [opposite sex]? - eyes
55. What do you do when you’re nervous? - i laugh weirdly
56. How old do you wish you were? - i kinda like this age...though i hear 17 and 18 are pretty sweet, too
57. Band - don't have one
58. Rapper - ew
59. Singer - don't have one
60. Song - don't have one
61. Actresses - mandy moore
62. Actors - don't have one
63. Movies - don't have one
64. TV shows - family guy, cheers, best sex ever
65. Colors - cerulean blue
66. Fruits - haha seasonal fruit
67. Food -- don't have a favorite
68. Flavors - of what??
69. Candy - hershey kisses :-D
70. Starburst flavor - red
71. Subject - computer graphics
72. Day - friday
73. Month - july
74. Season - Summer
75. Holidays - Christmas
76. Perfume - davidoff coolwater
77. Fast-food places - tee hee wendy's
78. Restaurants - BIG BOY
79. Fallen for your best friend? - yess
80. Been rejected? - many times
81. Been in love? - toughie
82. Been in lust? - yes
83. Used someone? - ugh, it didn't originally mean to be that way, but yes
84. Been used? - yes
85. Cheated on someone? - yes and it was my biggest mistake ever :-/
86. Been cheated on? - yes
87. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? - no :-/
88. Do you have a crush? - YES
89. Do you love anyone right now? - toughie---love is a strong word
90. Who was your first kiss? - daniel something...he was 12 and i was 10
91. How many hearts have you broken? - i don't know, hopefully none
92. How many people broke your heart? - a couple...mainly 1
93. Do you go by looks or personality? - mainly personality, looks are a perk
94. Ever kiss a friend? - no
95. Are you still friends? -
96. Do you smoke? - no
97. Do you smoke weed? - no
98. Beer good or bad? - don't drink
99. Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers? - haha maybe...only when i'm with the fam, of course
100. Do you like Smirnoff Ice? - never tried
101. Prefer beer or liquor? -
102. On you’re last birthday - had friends over, then cried myself to sleep
103. Yesterday - :-D worked, bowled, big boy, hung out w/ amanda and eddie ;)
104. Last weekend - friday-worked, sat-worked, sunday-worked & soccer
105. Christmas - family
106. Thanksgiving - family
107. New Years - totally had 2 amandas over and played ping pong and walked to the corner store in halloween costumes
108. Halloween - trickortreated w/ amanda, monica, niles, joe, tauscher, and jackie...good good fun
109. Valentine's Day - absolutely nothing, of course :-(
110. Thing you ate - pepperoni
111. Think you drank - water
112. Place you went - work
113. Person you saw - my mom
114. Person you talked to - amanda called
115. Song you heard - Lostprophets :: Burn, Burn
116. Person you hugged - Amanda, last night
117. Person you instant messaged - damien
118. Person you laughed with - uhh brian or my mom
119. Person you kissed - eddie