no not me.
this will sound bizzare. but it is no joke.
its not a halloween prank, or a story which i made up.
my sister. one of my sisters.
she is dead. the police found her sunday before last.
i think she committed suicide.
my parents passed away some 8 years ago, within a year of each other.
my mom wanted me to be the executor of the will, but i didn wanna.
i didn wanna cause of the sister, that committed suicide.
she was in a band a long time ago, on touch-and-go records.
i even made the label for one of her records. i was proud of her.
but slowly she got an extra responsibility. before she was in the band,
before she went on tour.
around then,
she would call and ask for money. i'd give her 200/300... what she
asked for, till i wondered if it was for drugs. i didn't have to wonder
for too long. i guessed it out. it was for drugs.
since she was young, she was ill. a bad kinda ill... rhumatoid arthritis.
i remember helping to take to the dupont institute in delaware, cause we
lived around there then. my dad took her to anybody that would say that
they could help. back then she was taking tons of asparin...
i think she and my dad had a special thing together
because he was ill when he was little, and was healed, and promised to
the 'church'
me? my parents admitted later they never worried about me.
she told me the drugs brought her some peace... it came at a price --
the addiction. after parson's art school in new york, she ended up
renting a room in cass corrider. it was a store front. after visitng
some of the clubs downtown people would crash there. i even crashed there.
there wasn't much in that place -- the toilet didn't even work. there was
a couch, and something like a bed. it was a different kind of urban camping.
for the savvy among us, THAT place made cityClub look like the hilton.
when my parents moved to fl, she would visit for weeks at a time,
and stay with them. they would pay for her to visit. i had things
to do, things to figure out, things to work on, things to work out.
i had things to learn, things to build, thinks to watch and care about.
my parents life and my life were not the same.
but my parents fell ill and that sister took care of them. they knew
about her addiction. they asked me to be the executor of the will, but
i said they should pick my other sister.
my mom got sick. she smoked tons. she got lung cancer, but what
she really got was brain cancer... that sister took care of my mom.
it made sense. they took care of her, and then she took care of them.
but it wasn't so simple, it wasn't that clean, it wasn't so nice.
i was there, in fl, when a social worker came to visit, and confronted
my sister. the opiate based suppositories for my mom were going too quick,
and the social worker was there to tell my sister, the now dead one, that
someone was likely stealing them, or using them.
but when my mom passed away, my other sister asked me to do all the legal stuff.
and i found out that the now dead sister took half of everything my
parents had before they passed away. the cliche of gasline on an open fire
comes to mind. i didn't want my parents money or stuff, BUT i didn't want
to put that kinda money in that sisters hands. i wanted her to use that money
to turn her life around, but i figured that wouldn't happen.... so i tried
to minimize the damage, tried to work things around to make 'em as best
as i could.
it was hard work, but i got that sister to take my parents house.
i wanter her to have a place to live.
she got married before my parents died. she married someone she met
while on a visit to ukraine with my dad. he helped take care of my
mom while she was passing away. i thought it would be wrong of me
to tell HIM about my sister. after all, it was her life, and who
knows, maybe she could be different.
i don't think he really understood the responsbility... the other
sister tho calls says he's associated with the russian mafia --
who knows ... she could be right.
dead sister and her husband fought alot. he was arrested for beating her.
she was additected, all the money she got from my parents was spent.
i'm not sure where or how, but it was spent.
so, lets get to recent history.
april of this year the house, which is owned free and clear, gets
a mortgage. i know the amount of the mortgage. i think they had
bills to pay -- the city was forcing everyone to get sewer lines.
she had to pay for that somehow.
from my aunt, i hear that her husband wanted to buy a condo in kiev --
here he is from. so i figure that's where the other part of the
mortgage goes. i know in early oct, my sister when to the hospital
for a broken toe. i think he was gone by then. i think he split to
the condo.
maybe bth of them intended to split to ukraine and live there.
i'm not sure that makes too much sense. maybe it is tons cheaper
than florida -- i don't know.
early sept, my aunt says dead sister borrowed $800, to pay for
car insurance and for glasses. the number's about right, but if
they need to borrow that money for that, it means all other resources
are gone.
dead sister and hubby had lots of fights. he would say he's leaving. she would say
she would kill herself. she was hospitalized a handful of times doing
just that. this time, i think he left, now all the money was gone.
and the mortgage meant new responsitilities, and that was too much,
and there was nobody left who cared anymore about lending her money,
and there was nothing she could think of next --
so she killed herself.