● Battle Participants:
roranicus_pond ,
selline_s ,
pscopathictiger ,
zoetheriot and
instincts There are five battle participants (so far) including myself. If you'd like to join please comment
here. If you'd like to drop out or need an extension just PM me. I'm only allowing a maximum of ten people so make sure you get in
● What's going to happen: You have to pick one screencap from each of the series 5 and 6 episodes. But, if the episode is a two-parter you can just pick one of the episodes to do an icon from. Please leave your screencaps
here so that we don't double up.
● Once everyone has finished all their icons then just post them
here. I'll then make a new poll and you can vote for whoever's icons you like more. The deadline is the 21st of July.
So anyways, good luck and have fun. If you have any questions just PM me ♥