I know I posted some quite recently but I had my music on shuffle and a song started playing that I've been wanting to write a drabble for and I thought 'awww, man!' and then when that one ended another song that I've been wanting to write a drabble for started. The universe is enabling me.
My name is Lorna and I'm a drabble-holic. )
Comments 2
I've had that happen to me online actually, in a play-by-post rpg and it drove me Absolutely Bananas because I couldn't figure out if I just taking the RP too personally or if I had reason to genuinely dislike this person. Turned out my intuition was right and he actually was a prick.
- She bit her tongue for years about not really liking them, and here comes someone who doesn't mess about when it comes to letting them know they're upper class twits. -
I do have this notion that one of the things she likes about him* is that he does and says things that she doesn't think she can get away with. For a given value of 'get away with'. Vimes' mouth does get him in trouble. I suppose just getting past his mental filters counts as 'getting away with it' to her. My point is, with Vimes she gets to be a bitch by proxy.
*besides him being a total fox, I mean.
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