Still to be worked out and edited. Hoorah.
It all started with a kid. A young kid named Rory Williams and his childhood friend, Amelia Pond.
One night, when our dear Rory went back to Amelia's house to pick something up, having been shooed off by Amelia's Aunt, he witnessed the Master taking
Amelia Pond away into a blue police box, hearing the words "The Master" and watching them vanish.
And then there were police, and being the only witness, he was questioned, searches were set out, news and media came on it, but no one actually believed in Rory's story. And Amelia was never found. As Rory grew up he became obsessed with finding out what happened to Amelia, his childhood friend, his best friend; much like Fox Mulder with his sister in the X-Files. He became close with Mels and the two of them, more over Rory, went through books and information, anything they could get their hands on involving the name "The Master" or that blue box. They began finding glimpses of him throughout history, that face and rumors that death followed him everywhere with that blue police box. Eventually Rory focused only on looking for trouble any way he could. For anything weird or out of the ordinary; alien attacks, mysteries, all the bizarre things that happen on earth, and at times he found them. In Cardiff he found the Weevils, dug up information on Torchwood, ran into Judoon and creatures of pure energy. And then one day, he found something that would change his life forever.
He found
the Doctor. Or rather, the Doctor found him.
After being inadvertently kidnapped Rory ended up as the wonderful Doctor's companion, traveling the stars and still ever in search of the truth behind the Master, lures of discovering what happened to Amy, and the rumors that come to play involving him as well as taking the whole of the universe in.
Despite the run ins and dangers in the universe, his compassion and kindness clash sometimes nicely with that of the Doctor's and if nothing else, Rory is fiercely loyal, however insane his life may have become.
Time Line (Continually updated with each thread)
- Rory runs into Amy for the first time. On an alien planet, both traveling and wandered away from their respective Time Lord, Amy and Rory finally meet, oblivious to who each other are or even who their "companions" are to begin with.