It all started with a text message (aka Sirens 2010 recap)

Oct 11, 2010 23:55

It's true... it all started with a text message a year ago.

"Hi, I'm having lunch with Sherwood Smith and Tamora Pierce right now. What are YOU doing?"

As any sane human being, I felt a pang of envy at that moment, especially since I was drowning under a mountain of grading at the time (or at least I assume that I was, since I usually am at this time of year). It wasn't technically speaking the first I'd heard about Sirens, as newsboyhat had dropped MANY hints and talked about how excited she was about the upcoming conference, but until then, I'd dismissed it as something that I simply wouldn't be able to attend what with it being during (Canadian) Thanksgiving and my inability to get time off. After hearing all the gushing that ensued post-conference however (as well as more random squee filled text messages), I resolved that I would find a way to attend the next time... and I did. In fact, newsboyhat didn't even have to encourage THAT much for me to register... though I found out this weekend that she's been using some fancy subliminal stuff on me since then, to encourage me without my noticing! She's a sneaky friend that one! ;)

Fast forward a year, and I just spent a truly amazing weekend in Vail, Colorado.

Before arriving, I was both nervous and excited. This was my first con (other than science-y and teacher-y ones which don't really compare), and I didn't quite know what to expect. Even with near constant reassurance that I would love it, and that this was perfect for con-virgins like myself, I still had occasional bouts of doubt... especially since in a moment of whimsy, I submitted an application to give a talk! Yes... me talking, in front of adults... in English!! Granted, I'd be talking about the use of biology in YA fantasy lit and its influence on students and learning, but still! It was going from never having attended a con, to speaking at one, in one fell swoop! Slightly intimidating!

Now for a few impressions and comments... 
  • Vail is absolutely beautiful in October! I've been to many mountain resorts, and I can honestly say that it ranks up there in terms of beauty. Though I was a bit sad that the weather was drizzly most of the time, I still managed to take a nice walk along the stream near the hotel, and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
  • The other attendees are AWESOME! I've got to admit, I was nervous about this. I didn't know how I would fit in, but my concerns were completely unfounded and ridiculous. Lots of friendly, smart women who love talking about the same books as I... what more could I ask for? 
  • The programming was fun and engaging! I was awed by Ellen Kushner's singing renditions of Thomas the Rhymer, fascinated by panels and roundtables on diverse subjects such at the role/importance of book covers, the complexity of female friendships in fantasy, and the role of fairies in modern stories. Let's not forget that I also learned Scottish dancing, which was quite the sight in itself. Who knew that years of catholic school would be useful for tying so many ties in order to create "man-bands"!
  • The Guests of Honour were simply superb! I never expected them to mingle so much with the attendees, but they were all so friendly and giving, which made this all the more special. In fact, one of my favourite moments was Saturday afternoon when I skipped programming, and ended up chatting with a big group of authors out in the hall. Terri Windling's talk about the essence of "home" brought tears to my eyes, while squees of delight accompanied Marie Brennan's bedtime story talk, which was a reading of her next book!
  • The conference was also superbly well run and organised! When I asked if I could borrow some tape to put something up for my own presentation, not only did they find me some tape, but also poster board to put it up on, as well as an easel. You can tell that they really put their heart and souls into it, and the results were fantastic!
  • You'd think that when the conference ends, and people say goodbye, that the fun ends there... but you would be WRONG! Even when we left the resort, we still had the fun of the shuttle ride back to the airport, as well as a nice group lunch, during which we continued chatting and enjoying ourselves... thus delaying our return to reality.
After 5 fun-filled days in Colorado, I am determined to attend again next year... even if that means careful budgeting and having to take days off work without pay. In fact, when my parents picked me up from the airport, I was gushing so much, that even my family-first/budget-conscious father assumed that I would be attending again (and missing Thanksgiving), without a second thought.

Ohhh... and I was almost forgetting the best part? Next year... one of the GoH is none else than the brilliant and awesome LAINI TAYLOR!!!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!!!! The other GoH are just as awesome (Justine Larbalestier and Nnedi Okorafor), but it's Laini that made me squee when they were announced. In fact, this morning while sitting at the airport, I decided to send her an email to express my excitement about it, and less than 10 minutes later she had responded saying how excited she too is about attending! How great is that!?!

So now, as I bask in the glow of all these new books to read, I look forward to next year.

Thanks so much to everyone involved for having made this an awesome weekend!


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