Watched Torchwood last night and had a few thoughts. Don't expect anything too insightful btw. Just the ramblings of a worn-out brain.
Firstly, they made me cry, but that was a given. The vibe between Owen and Tosh in the scene where he's trapped was pitched just right imo.
Of course, that does bring me on to the worst designed nuclear power station evah! No nuclear power station in this country has any power source outside itself and vents into the control room. OK, dramatic licence but even so... ;p
Guiltpuppy!Jack made so much sense, even if I did want to shake him. This situation isn't fixable, even slightly. And he was just a boy!
Of course, Gray isn't even in the same hemisphere as the sane box, so I'm not sure reason is going to do the trick.
I loved that they couldn't fix everything or even stop most of it from happening. It gives the show more of a bite. And killing off characters is a wrench even if it does bring the danger home so kudos to them for going through with it.
All in all, this seemed a better season ender than the previous season's, so I happy. Except for crying lots, of course.
::You're just babbling now::
Sayonara then