So I went to Izumicon this year, 2nd con, s'all good. I went as Kenshin this year and I went with some of my friends from school. It. Was. AWESOME.
I got a whole bunch of stuff, like keychains ( Hetalia, Okami, and RuroKen ones) and the Hetalia seasons 1&2 for DVD. I never thought I would say this, but I actually love the English dub. 'Hug Therapy' for Romano, that's just... that's just amazing. I REALLY like Romano's and Spain's voices. Holy Roman Empire's was the only one I disliked. For one, it was too deep and he also had an Italian accent. WTF? He speaks German, people. His Marukaite Chikyuu proved that. Also, I was a bit 'meh' on Prussia's, but Austria sounded so manly and hilarious. I got to meet Todd Haberkorn who did the voice of Veneziano and I also met the Narrator. They both signed my DVD. :D
But the best part was yet to come. I convinced an 18 year old to buy me a katana. I paid him back, don't worry, but it was still MINE. A GOSH DARN KATANA. I shall be the envy of all my friends tomorrow. Oh, and I bought a Gilbird for next year's Prussia cosplay. It has a little clip that can attach to my hair. It's so cute.
I also met some awesome cosplayers. Of course, there were your Narutards (of whom I belong to), but there were two who dressed up as super-awesome sci-fi Naruto and Sasuke. They obviously spent much time on it. I also met some really nice Hetalia cosplayers. There were a couple of Prussias, Hungarys, Belaruses, Canadas, Swedens, Spains, and Chibitalias, a LOT of Englands (what IS it with American fandom and England?), and an America, Romano, Veneziano, Lithuania, France, Greece, Hong Kong, China, and Russia. I took all their pictures. :3
One Spain was absolutely adorable and we hit it off right away and exchanged Facebooks. Hopefully, we'll be friends soon. Again, this chick was so frickin' adorable. I kinda wanted to take her home with me. I also hit it off with a Prussia. Very nice girl, she let me get a PruCan picture with an unfortunate Canada with a huge Kumajiro plushie. And I got Spamano picture. YESSSsSSsS. I love this community. Where else would I make instant friends with people who' I only know by their cosplayed character's name? Soawesome.
I also bought a Kenshin mousepad. But--but before you judge me, I actually need one! So I saw it, squeed a bit since Kenshin is one of my most favorite characters in the history of all time, and then shelled up $30 for it. Expensive, yes. Worth it? Yesyesyes. Although with all the stuff I bought, I blew through $180. This is why I go to cons only once a year.
All in all, I had a great Saturday. I got to meet new people, indulge in my never-ending obsession with anime, and I got to check 'own a katana' off my bucket list.