Title: Nadeshiko and Laurel Blossoms
Characters/Pairings: fem!Japan/fem!Greece + fem!America friendship
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG for a couple of kisses.
Summary: The 2011 Women's World Cup is over and emotions run high in Japan as she spontaneously celebrates with Greece, shakes hands with America, and gets beautiful flowers placed into her
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Comments 7
And of course Greece and Japan are lovely and wonderful and adorable and there is no enough fic of them out there and ooooh I love them genderbent so much. Aaah.
Thank you so much for writing this!
I've made it my personal mission to give Greece and Japan as much love as possible, and I do love their genderbent selves.
You're welcome! ♥ I really enjoyed writing this fic.
I love how you write Japan, she is so touching and wonderful. So is her interaction with Greece, they are an utterly adorable couple. Her friendship with America is sweet as well. I love how brave America is in her defeat, encouraging her friend even when she's sad.
I believe that America would still take the time to congratulate Japan even after she was crushed by her defeat, similar to how the American players acknowledged that the Japanese players played a great game too.
...And now I see that you wrote some World Cup fics yourself. I've got to check these out too when I'm finished with work here.
All-in-all, it's such a sweet fic. ♥
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