Prompting is now closed! The prompts are now available for claiming, and are listed underneath the cut. Just comment to claim, and it's yours! You can write fic, draw art, make a vid, anything you can think of - it's all welcome. Posting is for one month, until September 8th! You can claim one prompt at a time; but if you finish and post, do feel free to come back for another one! Also, if you might be wiling to beta for other participants, leave a comment to that effect - it would be great if we could all help each other produce the best possible work. :)
Go forth and claim, and have fun!
1. During one of the first tests of the dimension cannon, Rose ends up on a fantastical Wheel in Space and meets a young scientist named Zoe, who helps her stabilize the coordinates.
2. Rose, Jake, and Mickey on a zeppelin adventure to track down a component needed for the dimension cannon.
3. How the team came to fracture and lose Jake.
4. Rose tells her little brother Tony stories about her adventures - which aren't over yet.
5. Between Turn Left and The Stolen Earth, Rose and Mickey figure out how to control the dimension cannon and make final preparations for the most important hop.
6. Somewhere between universes, Rose meets a woman on a motorbike ("Time Hopper," Ace insists). Claimed by
carawj 7. Rose's first meeting with Captain Magambo in the Turn Left universe, and building the rudimentary time machine.
8. Rose joins Torchwood and learns how to handle a gun - and likes it.
9. The Dimension Cannon isn't Rose's idea but she gets herself placed on the project.
10. A Wookie-like alien, a purple humanoid and a talking fish in a bowl walk into a bar. Team Mickey, Rose and Jake are called in to deal with the situation. Hijinks ensue.
11. The dimension cannon never quite works but when Rose starts being pulled into different universes, and the stars start to go out, she figures out what needs to be done to make it work.
12. The moment Rose realizes it is no longer just a matter of returning to her proper universe, but that the world, the universe, all of reality is at stake.
13. A moment of friendship between Rose and Mickey where they talk -- friends, sadness, love, faith, strength. Mickey helps Rose decide what it is she wants, and Rose makes him laugh after his Gran dies as they figure out how to make the dimension cannon work.
14. Rose jumping realities but not in a straight line, incorporating Turn Left and Partners in Crime. Claimed by
hafital 15. Rose at Torchwood, encountering the Racnoss (or some other baddie on Earth from the series) Bonus for meeting Donna!
16. Rose and Pete arguing about what the Doctor would have done in a certain situation.
17. Another Rift accident at Torchwood, either ours or theirs.
18. This isn't actually our Rose, but an alt!Rose from yet another dimension who followed a similar storyline but with a few key differences.
19. The new head of Torchwood's R&D claims they can achieve the impossible and safely build a dimension cannon, but Rose thinks there's just something a bit off about him/her - an investigation is in order.
20. Rose, Mickey and Jake try out some of the really cool toys in the research department.
21. The dimension-crossing experiment's almost ready to kick off; and Mickey's gran is dying. Rose holds things together.
22. Rose crosses paths with alternate versions of herself. Claimed by
livii 23. Rose finds herself in the cafe on Sto where Astrid works. Claimed by
seldra 24. In the course of working with Torchwood, Rose runs into alt!UNIT.
25. During the early stages of Rose trying out the dimension cannon, it accidentally locks itself onto one or more previous incarnations of the Doctor. Claimed by
biichan 26. Rose teams up with the alternate version of Donna to save the world from a miscellaneous alien encounter. Claimed by
lookatmoiye7 27. Rose, Mickey and Jake accidentally time travel while attempting to dimension hop.
28. A strange woman named Leela jumps dimensions with the help of her K9 unit and is picked up by Rose and Torchwood, who then use that technology to build the dimension cannon.
29. In this universe, another Time Lord was the only one to survive the war. Rose and the team run into him/her. Claimed by
pimpmytardis 30. An accident with an early version of the dimension cannon results in temporary body swapping for Rose, Mickey and Jake.
31. While trying to work out the right coordinates to jump to, Rose finds a large number of the Doctor's previous companions one after the other.
32. Alt!Sarah Jane, a journalist, is snooping around at Torchwood with her work experience girl Maria Jackson and tries to interview Rose, Mickey and Jake about their work.
33. Jackie and Rose talking about the hows, whys and dangers of dimension hopping.
34. On returning from a trial jump, Rose seems to have left her body in the other universe and become incorporeal. Mickey and Jake find this a lot funnier than she does. Claimed by
agapi42 35. Rose recovers slowly after the Doctor's departure and it's Jackie's pregnancy, the constant growth and hope that brings her back to life. Haven't read anything about Rose's sibling either, so that would be really nice.
36. Altuniverse Master meets Rose, defender of the earth. Claimed by
hitlikehammers 37. Rose's job: she might have tried something else first and then stumbled into Torchwood, cause alien stuff tends to follow her. Particularly how she got into Torchwood.
38. Rose Tyler vs the Toclafane! Rose jumps (briefly) into the Year that Wasn't. (No appearances by the Doctor or Martha necessary.) Claimed by