i'm cooling down after my freak-attack of writing last night... Ashley (me) just needs to get a grip and stop freaking out over EVERY LITTLE THING that pops into her life!!! (what Ashley REALLY needs is psychiactric help, but that costs too much, so we'll just stick to the hollistic methods for now, ok
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my friends are water buffaloes, and i'm so incredibly paranoid that i could choke on my own air right now and it wouldn't surprise me. (i know that doesn't make sense, but not much that i write does
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as i sit here in this cluttered house, with its many cracks in the roof and the sound of the washing machine breaking down (again), i think about how much humanity has, sort of, ANTI-evolved, and here is my argument
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things are rather spiffy for me right now. my jobs sucks and i don't care, i got a pretty new dress for Miss CHS, and i am the girlfriend of an exceptionally good snogger. Yes! Double cool with knobs
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i'm so depressed...still no snogging in the past 80 hours...and i'm being slapped in the face with people screaming for help and not accepting it from me
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i've narrowed it down to one monologue now, because i have a three-minute time limit. i'm going to do the one i wrote about T, (don't worry; all of you computer geeks will know everything there is to know about T in good time) since my relationship with him caused me more joy and sorrow than any other i've known
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