Yes, a Job. One of those things were you go in, work for about 8 hours or so, and every two weeks (Sometimes once a week) you get a shitty paycheck that you are suppose to survive on until the following week. SOUNDS FANTASTIC RIGHT?
But it's a Job, and if I get a job, I can get CRICKET BROADBAND, so I don't have to go to the libaray every other day. I miss my nets :/ And probably a new phone plan. (Virgin Moblie officially likes to eat MONEY. Seriously. I remember when I had a plan, and it was like...UNLIMITED NIGHT AND WEEKENDS FOR 45 BUCKS. NOW IT'S 79 BUCKS. Fuck that, Cricket is 25 BUCKS)
With plans, I'm going to put a lot of my check into savings, why you may ask? Because, I'm moving back up North. (...if that fails (Since up North is so expensive), probably just close by Houstin, where Kira and Kei lives.) I want a steady job, and with some of the money, hopefully I can go back to school since the Economy sucks major ass, so I probably will go into Healthcare (aka Massage Therapy, oh yea.) BUT, VERSAILLES = WORLD TOUR (must save up for that. I DO NOT CARE. I MUST SEE HIZAKI. MUST. NO QUESTIONS.) I know I know, Finacial aid is a way to go...but I dunno, it's harder to get it down here (lol 20 minutes away from the border). I'm not going to be getting support obviously from my grandma (All of her money comes from the Government), and I have no parents to come in and pay my college tution, SO; I'm pretty alone.
My grandma doesn't want me to go to college, she wants me to settle down. *DIES* It's funny too, since she keeps forgetting that I don't like the penis :I Once I get into college, I will be officially the ONLY child in my whole family as of yet, to be going to College. My Mom didn't go to College, nor did my two Aunts. My grandma never finished Middle School...so..
My older cousins, out of 4 so far, only 2 gradulated and not going to college. My Cousin that is around my age, he was going to but then said no. He kinda gave up and currently drinking and doing dat weed.
EARLIER, I WAS AWAKEN AT 11AM (..I was not happy since I went to bed around 2AM); and then started to move stuff out of the 1 bedroom apartment. I AM CURRENTLY IN A 2 BEDROOM NOW. Oh yea, a year later we finally get a 2 bedroom. *SOSOHAPPY* I finally got my own room and I can finally start on my wall.
Yume_Itsuka knows my wall while I was living in Vista Drive in IL, she saw all of my posters and pretty stuff *__* I worked so damn hard on it, well most of my school friends know my wall. It's kinda my thing, you know. EVERY INCH OF WALL BY THE BED IS COVERED BY MAGIZINE CLIPPINGS, DRAWINGS, POSTERS, AND ETC. My wall over there was almost finished until we moved...then yea -___- Let's just say where we moved, my stuff got destroyed. SO I HAVE TO START OVER...AGAIN.
I really want a Rentrer en Soi Poster...if there is one around :x I would love...love that .oAo I wish D came out with a Huge Poster like my Versailles Poster I have. Which speaking of which, here is what I have...so far.
It's so tiny T___T; I'm not used to this...not at all. I MISS MY WALL. SO IF ANYONE HAS ANY MAGIZINE CLIPPINGS, POSTERS, ETC THAT YOU THINK I MAY LIKE (D, Versailles, Rentrer en Soi, ASAGI GOODNESS, BUCKTICK, ) SEND THEM OVER TO ME D: More stuff, the better I say D:)
And you know what sucks too, I have to start over on my Jrock stuff too. Well most of it. I'm rather proud what I have, you know. It's hard supporting a band you love. Singles (if one gets all types) can go up to 50 bucks easily. And Albums (...if one gets all types) can go up to like over a 100. @__@;
When I get a job too, I'm going to treat myself once a month. ONCE A MONTH I SAY. I deserve it. I will buy a Album, or all types of a Single (mostly D, since I want to catch up on them) I really want to start by getting Yousei Teikoku's Album "Gothic Lolita Doctrine", by far, that's my favorite Album by them *A*. Then probably some Versailles >3, I really only have a Poster and a Magizine (which
Mazohysteria has another Versailles Cure for me *__* The last one with Jasmine You ;; ily)
I REALLY WANT TO GET A SHELF IN MY ROOM. So I can put up my CDS for Display *_* and my Magizines. :/ Since they look so sad D: I don't like putting them in my suit case.
SEE, A MESS RIGHT? I'm working on it actually. I'm taking all of my clothes and putting them in my closet and all of that fun stuff. @__@
OH, I RIPPED MY GRANDMA'S SELENA CDS (...sounded so mexican there) but fuck you, I love her xD; I grew up with her music on tapes and singing along when I was little. SO I HAVE...A LOT OF SELENA (54 songs), my grandma got all "WHAT IF YOUR COMPUTER IS RUINING MY CDS?"
I was all, "UM NO."
And she got angry, saying don't stuff her stuff and all of that Bull (even though her CDs where in the car...)
I think she doesn't like to be proven wrong.
And also...I ripped my Corvinus Single on to my computer and deleted the one that I downloaded. I dunno why, since I do have the copy...but I loved doing that xD; My Corvinus Single is really special to me, since it's out of print and having a piece of what Asagi put a lot into, and having that...*__* Like my JE*REVIENS VHS (...which is still over
Mazohysteria's house. T__T; IT'S BEEN CHILLING AT HER HOUSE FOR A YEAR. And also, my D autographs are special to me too 8D I have a lot of stuff that I love, but those 3 are so special to me *___*
I'm sorry for the long LJ post. @-@; I tend to write a lot when I'm all LDKFJLSDD when I'm bored.
Oh, I'm getting something for my computer so I can rip my DVD (Alice in the Dark edge and other stuff, like the making of Snow White >w>) Oh, here is my Jrock stuff that I have been collecting for the past two years now. (The Shoxx, I had since...2007)
OH, around where I live, there is this woman named Teresa. She's...a bit...well, she has problems. I'm not trying to be rude or whatever, but she goes by the Crazy Lady, around here. She would yell at people in Spanish (She told my Grandma's Nurse that to call the Police because someone was fat...), and throw glasses of water in their faces. SHE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME TOO. WHICH I WILL EXPLAIN...LATER. Like...she's not right in the head. See if someone was to see her and the way she acted, yea...I think she has a mild case of Schizophenia and Bipolar disorder. WELL, MORE ABOUT MY STORY;
Our neighbour is a Security Guard, she's really buff looking but so so so nice, and her husband is well, the druggie D:, and noticed something different today about Teresa. She came by, hobbling (yes...if you saw it...it's like...WELL LIKE THIS:)
Not kidding.
She came over to ask my Grandma for a ride to the Bank, which by now, it was close. So my grandma said tommrow and she got a bit all "PFFFF~"
So she goes back, walking back and forth, having the usual argument with the Tree *used to it* and the daily blessing of the Tree and the Mailbox *Used to that too*
Then Brat came over for food. *Rui Miie's Spawn from HELL. YES, HELL.* I named him Brat (I wanted "Little Shit" but Grandma was all "NOO! THAT'S MEAN." So his name is officially Brat., since...well, he's a Brat. He hates being picked up, and petted. He would attack and FLJSDFLKSDJKJ *HISSS*, so I gave him food and cooed at him and then Chicken came around *Another one of my strays...yes, Chicken*, and I fed him too. So I go back into the house to start unpacking the dishes (NOTE THIS IS LIKE 8 PM), my grandma wanted to take a shower, but she forgot a few things from the old apartment (we are not done moving, and there is no eletrictiy there...) so she grabbed the keys and flashlight.
It's not a far walk from where we were living at to here. For her, it's a 2 minute walk down the sidewalk to where we are at. So I was writing my fanfiction and listening to Hades: the Bloody Rage by Yousei Teikoku and looked to notice, it was already like 8:45.
It shouldn't be like a 45 or so minute to walk there and back. Overall, the most would be 10 minutes. So I grabbed my shoes, and stepped out.
From where I was at, I can see firemen and 4 cop cars. Reaction: OH MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED.
So I grabbed my jacket and make my way over to the crowd and found my grandma. And she told me the story.
Teresa went over to the Neightbour Security guard and told her that she was going to kill herself. (which isn't news, she does this about once a week, so no one takes her seriously.) so our neighbour was all, "Okay, okay, goodnight Teresa." and closed the door.
Then she got worried and wandered over to her house to check up on her, there was smoke in her house.
Tereasa lit her house on fire, or tried to. The lady called 911 and they came over. They pulled her out and she was unconscious.
It was crazy D; they managed to put out the small fire inside, and after it was all over; we went back to our apartment.
We don't know if they are going to put her in suicide watch or whatever. @__@;
I feel bad for the lady, I do...but I dunno. I wish they would put her somewhere that people can actually take care of her D:
Moreover, other than that...nothing else new T_T; I BEEN SO BORED. SO SO...BLOODY BORED.
...and this LJ entry is so...long. SO I MUST STOP.
She died before she made it at the hospital and will be on the news.