Splendorocity app

Feb 12, 2011 14:39

Player Information:
Name: Rose
Journal: roseblades
Method of Contact: AIM: kakarikarose
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Mail "Matt" Jeevas
Series: Death Note
Canon point: Post-death
Age: 19
Species: Human
Appearance: This
Appearance upon arrival: Pretty much the same as that.

Previous RP memories: Yes
Bringing someone along?: Yes, a kitten.
Character History: Wiki
Animus was a world which pulled people as well as locations from other worlds, nothing really being of it's own. Because of a tragic event, the city was a wasteland with little to no electricity for the longest time. Matt spent most of his time scouring the buildings for computer and gaming parts, seeing what he could program and upgrade with the few resources limited to him. He didn't talk to many people, though made good friends with one person at least. Tallest Purple, an alien that caught Matt's interest when he first found him eating snacks inside the store Matt usually got his cigarettes from. They had an odd friendship, Matt always willing to sit and ask him questions about Irken life and fascinated by the technology. At one point Matt even inquired if it would be possible for Purple to make him his own personal PAK but when he found out it would have to be attached to him surgically he changed his mind.

Along the way he found a kitten, barely a few weeks old. He wasn't sure where it came from but didn't have it in him to leave it outside where the Spirits that wandered the city at night would be able to hurt it so he took it in to keep for himself. The kitten acted like it owned his apartment, doing anything it wanted and getting violent when it wasn't given enough attention and passive whenever it got what it wanted. Because of it's violent and stubborn nature he ended up naming it Mihael since it reminded him of Mello.

Overly laid back, Matt is a gamer till the end. He doesn't get angry easily, but he's not a push over either. Probably why it's so easy for him to be able to be around Mello so much when the blond throws anger fits all the time. His general outlook on the world is dim, and he really doesn't care much for the affairs of others. If things happen, they happen. Even though he was always third place behind Mello and Near, he never let it bother him nor did he try to change that fact. Unlike Mello, who was always striving to be the best, Matt just generally didn't care about the little race. Though he was willing to help Mello achieve his goals.

Always seen wearing orange tinted goggles with his face buried in some game or another, Matt's a bit of a dork at heart. He'd be the type of guy who would go to hot topic and think it amusing to pick up one of the MP or HP energy drinks they have there despite said drinks tasting like shit. It's the thought that counts. With his laid back attitude there's really very few things that are capable of pissing him off. Hurting his friends or a game freezing before he can save. Yes, friends and games are obviously of equal importance. He wouldn't have it any other way, despite how much it annoys the crap out of said friend.

Though laid back doesn't mean polite and nice to everyone he sees. Naturally, growing up with Mello Matt has a bit of a mouth on him and has a tendency to be a smartass occasionally when he feels it's needed. He gets bored fairly easily and always needs to be doing something with his hands and mouth, sitting still is never good for him. Be it smoking, playing with his video games, messing with cameras or playing around on a computer he always has to keep his attention focused on one thing or another. Without something to keep him distracted he doesn't get annoyed as some people would. Instead he focuses his built up energy on annoying whoever happens to be close to him at the time in hopes of getting entertainment from them to keep occupied.

As a child taken in by Wammy House Matt was a child genius. He was even third place in the entire orphanage despite putting little to no effort into it, thus showing he may have had potential to do much more than he got by with. He has quick reflexes and a sharp eye, though mostly uses those skills for his video games. But his analyzing and problem solving skills are also high rate, also, put to waste on his games. However he is seen working with surveillance equipment and other spy gadgets and computers showing that his main specialty probably lies in computers and electronics in general.

Not a special ability, but note worthy none the less, Matt is a very patient person. Be it working through multiple difficult levels on his video games, sitting in front of a monitor and checking for even the smallest detail or just sitting back and listening to someone rant and rave as much as they want, Matt can take it all in stride. He doesn't lose his cool and is able to analyze things as they come.

But he is also a very lazy and unmotivated person. Basically, the place where potential goes to die. He has the capability to pull off several things and get much further in life than he has, but he never takes it. He just doesn't care and doesn't put time and effort into something unless it's important to him. Which is mostly wasted on his video game obsession. He also seems to have an addictive personality judging from not only his gaming habits but also the fact that he's a chain smoker. Easily addicted to simple things and obviously never knows when it's time to quit despite the harm it's causing him.

On top of that, he's also arrogant to the point where it cost him his life. He automatically assumed that the bodyguards would take him in for questioning and he'd be able to easily escape before they could get to him, thinking that the guns pointed on him were just a bluff. He was confident that he was correct in his assumptions but obviously, very very wrong as they shot him on sight just as he barely manged to finish his sentence.

Character Abilities: Expert hacker and gamer; A genius who puts his talents to horrible waste.
Possessions: Two hand guns
Anything else: N/A

Action/Communication thread/post sample: Here

Log/Prose sample: (From R29)

One would think the pain of dying would leave a scar on a person's mind, leave them shaken up and scared of anything they happen to see if by some miracle they opened their eyes again. One would not, however, expect them to slip their hands into their pockets and glance around the small town with a blank expression. But that's exactly what Matt did. He knew he specifically remembered being in the middle of that street, felt the bullets pierce his chest and god knows how many other places, and yet here he was. His hand slipped into his vest pocket and pulled out the device he had closed earlier, finally deciding to flick it on and listen to whatever message was there.

Professor Oak. He would recognize that image anywhere, though much more used to it being more... pixel-y. For a moment Matt just stared down at the Pokégear in his hand with a blank look, disbelieving almost. But after a few seconds passed by a smile tugged at the his lips. Pokémon. He was in the world of fucking Pokémon. He didn't want to believe it, but really. After chasing down someone who could kill by writing a name in a notebook he got from a God of death... What the hell wasn't possible? He thought there was something comfortingly familiar about that creepy background music.

The previously untouched bag at his feet got a look before he knelt down to go through the contents himself. Basic traveling supplies, much more logical than what you get in the game. More practical, for real life uses instead of just ten second here and there things. The redhead let out a chuckle as he pulled out a pokéball and stared at it for a moment before tossing it up in the air. A red flash of light later, and there was his brand new Porygon nudging happily against his leg. That alone was really enough to throw him off guard a bit, where was Charmander? Or Bulbasaur or Squirtle?

He knelt down in front of the pokémon and reached out to set a hand on it's head, feeling that it truly was real and everything about this world wasn't just a dream. But... the dead don't dream, do they? Hell, if someone had told him sooner that all he had to do to become a Pokémon trainer was die? He probably would have offed himself at the age of ten. Probably tried to take Mello with him to-

Mello. Matt's mood shifted slightly and he sat on the ground, not really caring for the cold or that he was outside in the middle of a town. How had it gone for Mello? Did their plan work? It certainly had slipped up a bit on his end, but Matt had been expecting something of the sort in the first place. He knew that there was a chance he wasn't going to make it out, despite Mello's thoughts otherwise.

As if sensing it's new trainer's upsetting train of thought, the Porygon nudged against Matt's arm again, an attempt to get pet or some sort of attention that would hopefully stop Matt from looking so down when he was smiling just a minute ago. The little guy's efforts seemed to work at least, as Matt gave a short chuckle and rested his arm on the Porygon's head.

"Needy little guy, aren't you? Guess there's really no point worry about the past. So you wanna become a level one hundred badass? This might not really be what I'm used to, but I'll do my best."

splendor, app

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