Work Experience tomorrow... Little Kids... Whoopee!
A lot of this is paraphrased and I'm missing out stuff that you can fill out when we meet up next week. There's a whole lot more.
Company Profile Things to find out
When was the company formed?
Are there any other branches?
Number of employeees, full-time/part-time?
Health and Safety Checklist
Explain what to do if you have accident?
Where is the accident book located?
Who is the First Aider?
Where is the first aid box located?
How is the Fire alarm raised?
What to do if alarm went off?
Any activities not allowed to do?
What are the greatest risks at your placement?
Who is responsible for health and safety at your placement?
Do you need any protective equipment?
First day at work
How were you introduced into the company?
What special arrangements were made for you?
How did you feel when you started?
Were you made to feel welcome? how?
How did you feel at the end of your first day?
How were you introduced to yuour work? By whom?
How did you get on with your workmates at first?
This is the same for monday to Friday
What I did today
What went right
What went wrong
What key skills did I develop?
There's a massive page on looking back over your work experience
Debrief with my employer
Was my time keeping good? Comments
Did I mix well with other people? Comments
Did I complete my tasks? Comments
Did I follow instructions as asked? Comments
Was I dressed appropriately? Comments
Any other comments
Parent/Guardian Comments
All are yes/no/don't know
Was keen to go on work expereince
Was keen to arrive on time
Was dressed appropriately
Knew what to od in case of illness
Knew how to get to work and where to go
Did he/she know who they were to work with
Know about safety procedures
get on well with other workers
Know what they were expected to do
cope with tasks
enjoy themselves
experience the world of work
Did they change their attitude
Self confidence
self esteem
Were there any problems, if so, pease describe
Any further comments.
Then there are a few pages of notes and something about writing letters.