it is 2 am.
i have to get up in 6 hours
but i just finished reading Harry Potter: and the proff JK reads fan fiction
so be warned Spoilers and such ahead i'm sure
first off - not as bad as i feared still not goo but not as bad as a whole i thought it was going to be.
i'll make my comments short and qick
- first off hated how every character JK ever mentioned seemed to come back at some point in this book
-also seemed as if JK forgot how to wright, or not so much that as if she go bored with the books and just wanted them done with. i often complain that the movies are written as if taking for granted that you have read the book. well this book seemed to be written as if taking for granted you had already seen the movie. more then once i found myself looking up confused just wondering WTF just happened and having to re-read the passage several times until it came through.
- Luna and Nevil ROCKED. thats all i could have asked for.
- wish Draco would have PICKED A SIDE it doesn't matter what side but a side in general would have been nice.
- wasn't it a little late in the game to not only introduce one quest but two? one of which we onlt found out about in this book and the other one in the last giving us NO hope of accurately guess the real way harry was going to bring down the big bad? because truthfully we all knew he was going to and that she wasn't going to really kill him, tho many of us hoped....
- side note - TOTALLY knew that ravenclaws didn't have a password but a riddle to get into their commons. brilliant i am!
- J.K. writes the most awackward love sceans EVER
and now ... i have lots more to say but i fear i'l never take the time to write it all down because frankly i don't have the mental capacity as of late and by the time i do i won't have the movtive to.
so ill re-direct you to here ( where the ever Lovely C. Claire has written down her thoughts that i find quite eloquent on the newest harry potter book.
and in ending. thank you J.K. i can now put the questions to reast because it is over. it wasn't as grand i i thought it could be but it is what it is and it wasn't as bad as it couldn't have been. but most importantly it is over.