Prompt: Buffy is confused about what she's supposed to do with a vampire stake
Universe: A Buffyverse Apocalypse...sort of
Word Count: 660
Notes: Very very AU, not actually canon for anything, extremely unlikely to ever be canon for anything, just an amusing side piece. :P
"What exactly am I supposed to do with this thing?"
Everyone looked over at Buffy, who was gingerly holding a pointy piece of wood that had been in her props bag. She was dressed very unlike herself, in leather pants and a halter top, with a big silver cross around her neck, and she was holding a...something wooden.
"I think you're supposed to stake things with it?" Anya said. "I mean, according to the instructions Rose gave us, your character kills vampires, and a stake's a traditional weapon for that, right?"
Buffy tried moving it as though she was going to stake something. It was very awkward in her hand.
Willow raised an eyebrow. "That looks vaguely sexual. Which, given that you're my mom...kind of disturbing."
Buffy looked at her daughter, then the stake. She shook her head. "Nope, still not getting it. And yeah, let's keep the sex talk somewhere that's not here."
"Why are we doing this anyway?" Fred asked, holding the glasses she'd been provided with in her hand. They were clear glass, but that didn't matter: they sucked anyway. "I mean, seriously, most of us? Not at all like the people we're playing in this...thing." She looked at her sisters. "I think you two switched personalities or something, because, just, no."
Anya and Willow looked at each other. Willow was wearing a fairly frumpy outfit. Her hair was down - for possibly the first time in her life - and she had to keep pushing it behind her ears so it wouldn't cover her face. She held a laptop computer as her assigned prop. Anya, on the other hand, was wearing a shirt and skirt that fit actual trends, something she had absolutely no interest in 99% of the time, and her assigned prop was a bundle of cash.
"What the heck?!"
Everyone turned to look at the outburst, which came from Tara - who, like everyone else, was dressed completely unlike herself, in a long flowy skirt and shirt that looked like they came from hippie-land. Her twin sister, meanwhile, was wearing something that might have been one of Tara's everyday suits, but sexier. When she realized everyone was looking at her, Tara blushed.
"What's wrong, Tara?" Will asked, looking highly uncomfortable in a black shirt, black pants, and a long black leather coat. He preferred a little more color in his clothing.
Tara held up the pile of paper with information on their assigned characters, something most of them hadn't bothered reading. "We're supposed to play these characters, and the individual pictures are fine, but the group ones...most of our characters dated each other!"
Liam, who actually looked pretty normal in the all-black outfit he was wearing, came over to her, grabbed his character sheet, and started reading. His face screwed up in disgust. "Ew ew ew ew what on earth is Rose thinking?"
"That bad?" Cordelia asked, arms crossed to cover her cleavage.
"Two of the characters my character dated are yours and Buffy's!"
The three siblings wore identical looks of horror. "No," Buffy said. "Just no."
"Absolutely not," Cordelia said.
Xander, who now had his character sheet in his hand and also looked disgusted, nodded in agreement. "Definitely agreeing on no. I do not want to pose romantically with my sister, my other sister, my granddaughter, or my mother." Will nodded strongly - he agreed on the posing romantically with the mother thing. Just no.
"And if Rose tries to insist?" Rupert asked. He didn't look too disturbed by his character sheet, unlike a lot of the others, but even he didn't look happy with it.
Everyone exchanged looks. "If Rose tries to insist, we allow single character shots with the props. Nothing with more than one person," Buffy finally said, lifting her stake in emphasis. "And if she still says no...well, I have this, and I'm going to use it." She paused, looking at the stake. "Once I figure out how."