Several mysteries by authors I've never read before:
Charles Todd: A Bitter Truth (set in England in the early 19th century)
David Mark: The Dark Winter (contemporary England, looks like something a bit different.)
K.O. Dahl: Lethal Investments (Norwegian, set in the early 90s)
Also a non mystery called Swimming Home, by Deborah Levy. I picked it up spontaneously and it won some kind of award so it may be too high-brow for me to appreciate it. (Joke. Sort of.)
For manga I got the next two volumes of Lament of the Lamb, which I am almost finished with, and also got the first two volumes of The Wallflower but I haven't started them yet.
I am enjoying Lament of the Lamb. I see where it might not be so great if I was expecting exciting vampire action, since it's more a disease story with fucked-up family dynamics, but the characters are well-done and I do really like it. I really dislike Chizuna though, but I'm warming up to her a bit as I get to understand how she got the way she is. And I feel horribly sorry for Yaegashi.