singularity_rpg revisions

Oct 05, 2011 04:19


The circumstances of Rose's meeting with the dark gods is one that is appropriately strange for such unknowable beings. In a doomed timeline where two of her friends died, rendering the game unwinnable, Rose was able to do painfully little while her only remaining friend, Dave Strider, realized his role as the Knight of Time in order to reverse the timeline and set things right. In the meantime, she turned her eyes to the skies above Derse, and began to speak with the beings that inhabited it, the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors. They whispered advice to her, about what to do about her seemingly lost session. Once Dave went back in time, erasing the doomed timeline, memories of Rose's dreamself from the doomed timeline persisted, occasionally surfacing and reminding her of conversations she'd had with the Horrorterrors. Their help served to quickly engender a sense of trust in them on Rose's part.

Rose regards the Horrorterrors as one of her greatest allies, as they have both afforded her great power and given her constant direction. When she found herself in a doomed timeline, they told her how to reset it. When a Sovereign Slayer was wreaking havoc with their session and she discovered that it was "terminal", they guided her in the right direction, allowing her to create a solution. When her mother was killed at the hands of the Slayer, and she wanted to take revenge, they gave her the power to try and seek it. When she received nothing but forecasts that she and her friends were doomed, the horrorterrors gave her the tools and direction necessary to fix her session and save her friends. Seldom few others trust them, believing them to be manipulating and corrupting Rose, and repeatedly express such concerns to her. Out of an ambiguous mix of both trust and stubbornness, she won't hear any of it, calmly defending the Horrorterrors from rebuke no matter what.

Perhaps, buried way deep, beneath much more prevalent worries (her terminal session, her friends, all-encompassing hatred of Jack Noir, revenge on the same), there is fear that entering into a bargain with the horrorterrors may mean that one way or another, her soul is eventually forfeit. With her new appearance and the storms that follow her around, it is hard to ignore the possibility that once they've helped her, and she's done all she can to help them with whatever it is that's killing them off, they won't exactly want to let go of her, and she won't be able to do much to stop them. The truth is, however, that such fears are also hard to dwell on because there is so much more immediately pressing matters for Rose to worry about, and her own well-being has never exactly been in her top 5 immediate concerns, and has only plummeted further downwards the longer she's been in her session, reaching record lows at the time of her mother's death.


As said, Rose's connection to the Horrorterrors will be strained, even frayed, by her sudden transportation to Sacrosanct, and massive boost of power they gave her in order to fight Jack will be largely negated. For the most part, her powers will return to the admittedly impressive state they were in when she first alchemized her Thorns of Oglogoth and took up the mantle of dark magic, using it to clear monsters from her land and excavate its secrets, but will definitely not be strong enough to inflict any serious structural damage to the station. Once in a while, almost exclusively if she's under great duress (or just, you know, really angry), she'll be able to produce a particularly impressive blast, but it won't be on or anywhere near the order of the castle-destroying, tidal-wave-of-raw-black-hate and no doubt space-station-rending shots she produced with frightening consistency while dueling Jack.

As long as her connection to the Horrorterrors is maintained, fragmented as it is, her mastery over dark magic and the side-effects it carries will remain. Over time, the connection may in fact falter as the distance between universes sets in, but for it to entirely vanish would almost certainly require Rose to relinquish her Thorns and the power her dark magic gives her of her own volition.


I've been wading through the archives here for a while now; not much else to do when you're "trapped here forever", as I've been told so often and still not cared enough to actually absorb. If you're planning on sharing that tidbit with me again, don't bother. As I've said, I don't care. But I'll deal with that in due time. Now that I don't have such a strict time limit, I feel more comfortable spacing out how I deal with those stupid "impossible scenarios".

I discovered something. There has been at least two people on this station who go by the name Jack Noir. One of whom is definitely from my own universe and has just as definitely made you all familiar with his modus operandi since arriving. Normally I'd be all too glad to focus on the one from my own universe - he and I have more than enough unfinished business for it - but I have it on good authority that the consistent traits for ones who share this moniker are a lust for power, an affinity for murder and a hatred for over-accessorizing. My research has done little to dissuade me from the idea that the other Noir has the potential to be every bit as dangerous as his cross-universal brethren if not dealt with.

His modus operandi is murder, if you're not up to speed. Sneaking up on people, often those who pose no threat to him, and stabbing them or slashing their throats open for absolutely no reason other than to watch them die and satisfy his deranged, yet casual need for murder than I can only assume is similar in essentials to the need the rest of us have for things like water. Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention his need to gather frivolous trophies as well. I suppose the contempt for accessories fades after a certain kill count? Either way, the bloody scarf, hat and sunglasses sitting next to me speak for themselves.

I've belabored the point enough - where are they.

Or, you could just make this easier for everyone and show yourselves respectively, Jack. As I said - we've unfinished business. Perhaps the only trait of yours that I've come to admire is your affinity for cutting through the bullshit, so to speak.
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