Between Shadow and Light: Part 23-25

Oct 15, 2012 01:57

Title: Between Shadow and Light
Author: Roselani24
Genre: crossover, friendship, drama, angst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a little while.
Spoilers: Anything from White Collar up until 4.10 and Supernatural Seasons 1-7 is fair game.
Warnings: Some violence, gore, and at one point animal abuse. That section will have a ( Read more... )

supernatural gen big bang, fanfic, sam winchester, white collar, supernatural, neal caffrey, peter burke, peter/elizabeth

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Comments 5

frostfalcon October 16 2012, 18:00:46 UTC
Very nice, I had to go back and read the first one again and now I have to wait for next fall but I have something to look forward too... Thanks for sharing!


chellexxx October 17 2012, 20:52:14 UTC
loved this, hope inspiration strikes you for the sequel as well as it did with this one. I am a fan of Secrets in Shadow and have reced it a few times and now i get to recommend another of your stories.


falcytan_dream January 29 2013, 04:35:16 UTC
I fell in love with the previous story but only just remembered for the first time in months to check back, and you have no idea how excited I was to see this. And it definitely did not disappoint. I actually love this one more than the last, and I didn't even think that was possible. It was soooo brilliantly written. I love the idea of Peter and El and Dean being all but family because they really do fit perfectly in their own weird way. I seriously started tearing up when Peter and El thought Dean was dead, because their connection was that believable and real.

I can't wait until the next story comes out. I'm really curious especially to see how you're going to fit Neal in there (and hopefully some Castiel too, yeah? ;]) especially with the intro you gave here. In fact, the one thing I didn't like about this was that Dean and Neal didn't meet again, but I'll forgive you for making us wait on that considering how spectacular the rest is. <3


jpgr January 29 2013, 13:38:53 UTC
I don't know how I missed this sequel! Great job highlighting both series. I look forward to next fall because we need to have a Dean and Neal "reunion".


nytekit March 8 2015, 15:31:27 UTC
Aw man, this was such a good continuation from your previous story. I love that Dean and Peter stayed in touch and that Dean visited them as often as he did. I still would love to have seen some CI Neal and Dean interaction, but the fact that they met when they were both younger made me laugh. (Though it did seem like Neal was younger than Dean, though by the character's ages he should be older.) Also, Dean's way of letting Neal and Elizabeth know he was alive almost made me cry it was so perfect.


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