robertthescott (12:34:19 AM): Hullo!
Tini (12:21:46 AM): sup?
robertthescott (12:35:27 AM): Blogging!
Tini (12:23:10 AM): yay!
robertthescott (12:35:50 AM): First sentence: "Do any two Christians actually believe in the same version of Christianity?"
Tini (12:23:12 AM): what about?
Tini (12:23:18 AM): wow
Tini (12:23:24 AM): that's a great question
Tini (12:23:57 AM): and I'd say 'only after a hours of discussion, and then only by their interpretation of the words on the paper they signed together.'
Tini (12:24:05 AM):
robertthescott (12:36:48 AM): I'd say not even then.
robertthescott (12:37:04 AM): I mean, that's the problem with religion getting into every aspect of your life.
Tini (12:25:32 AM): no two people's lives are the same in every aspect
robertthescott (12:38:27 AM): If Jesus really was the son of God, and if he went around throwing phrases such as "if you want to inherit eternal life, sell all that you own and give it to the poor"...there's something God doesn't want us to nail down, I think.
Tini (12:26:33 AM): I suppose
robertthescott (12:51:55 AM): Hmm....thinking about theology, I just came to a shocking revelation.
robertthescott (12:52:16 AM): Maybe the Vatican is right to equate abortion with capital punishment and prohibit both.
Tini (12:40:12 AM): I don't know
robertthescott (12:53:05 AM): Well...thinking about things....
Tini (12:40:38 AM): the Bible actually seems to vindicate the idea of capital punishment very soundly and squarely
Tini (12:40:55 AM): whereas we have to dance around the edge of abortion to talk about how come it's so wrong
robertthescott (12:53:52 AM): ....the argument goes "abortion is murder, execution is not--because the government sanctions the latter, making it not-murder.:
Tini (12:41:27 AM): well
robertthescott (12:54:40 AM): But our current gov't sanctions both...and one could argue that abortion helps society as much as execution.
Tini (12:42:15 AM): in the Bible, the argument for capital punishment goes "God gave governments power to protect society, which includes the power to execute those who would take life."
Tini (12:42:25 AM): that's the NT argument anyway
robertthescott (12:55:14 AM): (It's a horrible, ugly, racist and classist argument--but it's true nonetheless.)
Tini (12:42:53 AM): OT goes "Man = image of God. Killing man = desecrating image of God. Descrating image of God = death."
robertthescott (12:55:41 AM): Okay, that's the thing I was forgetting.
robertthescott (12:55:52 AM): The whole idea of gov't as here to "punish the guilty."
robertthescott (12:56:21 AM): The line being--infants may be bad for society, but they haven't consciously done anything to make them so.
Tini (12:43:57 AM): exactly
Tini (12:44:06 AM): and infants are so NOT bad for society necessarily
robertthescott1 (12:56:48 AM): (And there's always uncertainty--who knows, a German serial-killer could've gone on to murder Hitler for pocket-change.)
Tini (12:44:20 AM): heck, European countries nowdays pay people to have babies!
robertthescott (12:57:16 AM): Only those with v. strict immigration policies.
Tini (12:44:45 AM): lol
Tini (12:45:08 AM): look, if people didn't have babies, it wouldn't be long before we'd all be gone
Tini (12:45:22 AM): I still have to see that movie Children of Men.
robertthescott (12:58:11 AM): Yes, you do.
robertthescott (12:58:22 AM): And I agree re. babies.
robertthescott (12:58:39 AM): But statistically (and this is one of those arguments nearly guaranteed to keep me pro-life)....
robertthescott (12:59:30 AM): ....those who are irresponsible enough to have sex without protection and who moreover don't want their children....
robertthescott (12:59:49 AM): ....are from a Darwinian perspective those society really doesn't want breeding.
robertthescott (1:00:33 AM): Also...they tend statistically to be lower-class minorities without a significant social safety-net.
robertthescott1 (1:00:41 AM): Hence the fact that the argument is racist.
Tini (12:48:16 AM): indeed
robertthescott (1:02:11 AM): I have a friend who, for a time at least, actually subscribed to that argument for abortion.
robertthescott1 (1:02:22 AM): He's not the least cynical of my friends.
Tini (12:50:11 AM): it's hard to argue with it sometimes
Tini (12:50:38 AM): especially if you subscribe to a naturalistic worldview at any point
Tini (12:50:48 AM): ok, maybe not ANY point
Tini (12:50:50 AM): but you know what I mean
robertthescott (1:03:34 AM): No!
robertthescott (1:03:55 AM): I believe that cupholders fall to the ground because of gravity!
Tini (12:51:25 AM): lol
robertthescott (1:04:08 AM): Therefore I am morally obligated to join the Childkilling Brigade!
robertthescott1 (1:04:13 AM): We put babies on spikes!
Tini (12:51:39 AM): ...
Tini (12:51:40 AM): ew.
Tini (12:51:57 AM): thus why I clarified my statement.
Tini (12:52:08 AM): thanks for this wonderful chat, my friend
robertthescott (1:04:50 AM): We also believe in slaughtering clarification!
Tini (12:52:13 AM): but it's time for me to hit the sack
robertthescott (1:04:55 AM): ahh.
robertthescott (1:04:58 AM): Have fun.
Tini (12:52:26 AM): you too
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