i worked for 9 hours and 45 minutes yesterday about to go to work my mom is picking up our uppy from the pound today i can't wait to get off work to see her
waking up for work at 5am is awsome doing it again tomorrow is more awsome getting paid to not work too hard or too much beats both of those im expecting to make about $1200 a month... give or take i hope i'm right about that...
i got a job! as a photographer remember school picture day? well thats gonna be me i'll do anything from kindergarden to senior portraits im stoked as fuuuck!
ok so my room is done we need to have a dean room hang out soon i think im getting an amazing digital camera soon i need a job, but im getting on that allie is great my mom is back drew let me borrow his cd's so i've been putting them into itunes it's great to finally sleep in my own bed again
sucky ass 2 and a half hour drive for nothing i was pissed beyond reason pritty much what russ said.... but minus fighting for me i'd like to see them try to ask us to ever play there again