Jul 11, 2009 15:48

I couldn't be arsed to do a review for every day of Children of Earth, so I just threw it all into one thing. I just finished Day 5. So, here are my thoughts.

Seriously, if you haven't seen it, DO NOT read ANY of this. It'll ruin it and the experience won't be as good. Really.



When I say I sobbed, I’m not saying I cried. I sobbed. Sobbed hysterically for about an hour. It was quite possibly the most/hardest I’ve ever cried in my entire life.

Necessary .gif:

R.I.P. lovely. My Torchwood calendar is staying at June (aka his picture) and it's not coming down for a very, very long time.

Rational Review Section/Analysis

Stupid decisions aside, this was one of the greatest stories I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Never thought I’d say that about Torchwood, but it was. It was shocking, it was genuinely terrifying, it was real, it was raw; it was everything television should be. It held us and gripped us til the very end. It took hold of every basic human fear and shook it. It analyzed relationships between lovers, between children and parents, between friends, between government and people. It took on corruption and the blind trust people have of government. In short, it was fantastic. Just brilliantly fantastic.

The writing was killer, just amazing. Every line worked, every scene worked. They used the short time they had for this series very wisely. Every character had a purpose. Every action that happened had a point and ended up useful in the end. This was just great storytelling.

The Story;
I think, as a woman with some maternal tendencies, this story scared the shit out of me. Our basic biological urge as humans is to protect our children. Some alien walks on to Earth and demands to use them as playthings. The government rips them from our hands with little explanation. I was shaken to the bone. It makes you think of where you would have been when they did that. Would you have been the sullen government worker, just letting it happen? Would you have been the lucky parent that didn’t have to worry and didn’t care? Or would you have been fighting with every inch of your life?

I would fight.

With all the alien shots and the kid being attached and the gunfights and all this junk, that’s not what scared me the most. Not the “We Are Coming” even though it was terrifying, not the kids stopping, not the epic government huntdown for Torchwood. It was the meeting among government officials that scared me the most. How they decided what kids to send. That sent chills through my body, and I know a lot of other people’s. Why? Because it could legitimately happen. That could be happening in any government office right now. That’s why this story was so good. It played on fears we all have.

The twists were absolutely ridiculous and amazing all at the same time. You never saw them coming. Gwen being pregnant, Torchwood getting exploded with no explanation, Ianto and his family problems, the epic 10% revelation, Frobisher’s decision for his family, and all of the deaths (:[]). You couldn’t have seen that coming.

I loved the dynamics between the team, from Gwen’s “there’s a computer, do it yourself” to the end teamwork to get the problem solved. I appreciated that Rhys finally got to be important and be a part of the team. Jack was basic Jack; Ianto was more into the human aspect of the children, I think. Maybe it was his family. He wasn’t really concentrated on work.

Also, let’s give a cheer for PC Andy for making my life every time he showed up. Love him.

Best Twist;
Not going to lie, I jumped back in my chair the minute I figured out what Frobisher was doing. Dude, he killed his family and himself. Holy shit. As a person with 4+ seasons of 24 and Lost under their belt, I’m used to twists and I normally don’t flinch. I did my “woahhh WHATTTTT?” face. Oh yes.

Comic Relief Break;
"So I heard you like to take it up the ass." -Jonny
I have never laughed so hard in Torchwood history. Sorry, Ianto.

Normally I love Jack as a character, but I really didn’t this time around. I think that was the point. We’re not supposed to like him. He did terrible things in the past, and did even more horrible things in the present. He gave kids to the 456 under orders, not that bad. But he got cocky. He thought that he could take them on, that he and his team could withstand anything. Ianto died because he thought he could handle it. Then, to solve the entire problem, he sacrifices his grandson to save the children. That was unavoidable, but still completely brutal.

But that’s not why I didn’t like him this time around; I hate him because he left. He just ran away. He didn’t feel like staying and fixing things and making himself feel better by helping others. He just left.

I don’t care what a lot of people are going to say. Gwen said nothing was Jack’s fault. She’s wrong. It WAS his fault. The kids, Ianto, was his fault. And that’s why he left.

Not much to say, just haters to the left, she was amazing.

oh god hardest one to write.

Irrational section is up there for my immediate fangirl reaction. I’m going to try my hardest to look at this from an unbiased, writing-oriented side. Kay? Okay.

Everything worked in CoE...except this. You see, Tosh and Owen’s deaths had a point in S2. They served a purpose. Owen was already killed once. He was a zombie, basically, and his story arc was over. Tosh was in love with him. Her last wish was to help him. She accomplished that. She finished her duties, she saved the city, and she saved the world. She was finally appreciated. The rest of the team would have to work without them and it would create character growth.

Ianto’s death, however, didn’t serve that sort of purpose. For godssakes, he was used as a pawn, basically. He was shown as Jack’s mistake. Sure, it was heartbreaking. The writing was impeccable. The acting was absolutely perfect. The scene couldn’t have gone better. But there wasn’t a point. The scene was great, but the plot wasn’t good.

There is a difference between a death for a reason and a death for shock value, simply because you’ve got nothing left to up the ante. (Again, 24 and Lost…I can tell the difference.) This was for shock value. This was to show that the 456 were fucking serious, even though we got that when they pretty much killed everyone in the building and wanted all the kids. They’re pretty hardcore. You didn’t need to kill Ianto to prove that. Basically, he was an example. They made an example out of a main character in a 3-person cast. They could have used anyone else: Lois, Frobisher, Dekker, Alice, a kid, the rest of the people in the building, ANYONE. Not a main character. It wasn’t just stupid, it was complete madness.

The main problem I have is how he died and how they portrayed him as he did. He died as a fucking example. A pawn in an alien’s scheme. He didn’t die valiantly fighting. He fought, yes, but he died from a virus. He didn’t defend anything. This might be the fangirl in me, but he deserved better.

They portrayed him as just Jack’s lover when he died. Ianto was at Jack’s side when he went to see the 456. He had been at his side the whole series. I think that was a good point for characterization, but Ianto is so much more than that. He’s hopelessly in love with Jack, yes. We get it. But he also has a family out there in that world, he has his job, he has his friends. He is not just Jack’s. As much as “In a thousand years’ time, you won’t remember me.” was the most fantastic line of the series and probably will live on as the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever heard, it shocked me. All Ianto thought about as he died was Jack. Not the world, not his family, not anything. Just Jack. For people who hadn’t watched the series before and had known his character, it would look like he was nothing but Jack’s little lover. That’s what made me the most sad. That people wouldn’t know more of Ianto Jones. R.I.P. darling.

I wish I wish for sci-fi miracles;
“They’re not dead until they’re in the ground” sayeth the rules of television. I have faith that Ianto can pull a Tony Almeida (god damn, I’m pulling a lot of 24 into this, aren’t I?). A.K.A. no one knows he’s actually alive and he just comes back mysteriously with a complete explanation for everything. Come on, people. Torchwood has had plotholes you could put a lake in. This wouldn’t be the most ridiculous crap they’ve ever done.

Or, you know, reset button. Just hit it.

My hopes;
I’m going to say something I thought I never would:

I hope that was the end of Torchwood.

It was so fantastic and so amazing that they couldn’t possibly top it. Not in a million years, especially with all of the plot twists they’ve thrown in. Humans have made contact with aliens. The job is done, in theory. The team is gone. Gwen is pregnant and has the opportunity to live her life. Jack is leaving to go back in the universe. There couldn’t be a threat more serious than what just happened. It would be better for the series to end this epically, this wonderfully, than to go on for a dismal few seasons with a new team or something equally ridiculous. It should just be over. Done.

Non-spoilery-heads-up 1: Get a snack and a beverage, the eps are long.

NSHU2: I had to watch 24 after to cheer myself up. Basically, I had to watch ruthless shootouts with terrorists to cheer up. This shit is dark. This ain't fluffy Torchwood.

Well, that book is out of my system. Soz for the tl;dr, guys.

ianto jones, torchwood, ramble, reviews, omg, rant, rage, wtf, cry moar, fangirling, love

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