Ahh yes. The biggest flirt I know! You never seem to have a down time sort of mood whenever I've seen you. You are very open about who you are and what you enjoy. I commend that.
Master O the Arts. And the first of us LOSER Cheffers to have a GF. GOOD MAN! I remember when I first met you, you where the SHYEST person I have ever met. I very proud of you for breaking out of your shell. Now we all can see the real Josh and its much better.
Oh man. Where do I start? I known you for probably about 7 years and every year it gets better and better. You can make anyone smile without breaking a sweat. And you hate drama just as much as I do. I can't wait till you come back so we can continue our late night movie nights, doin wicked dohnuts in the Celica, and just plain chillin'!
YES!!! And crusin with the top down.. you making me food.. giving me massages.. and.. wait..what? NO! I'M NOT USING YOU FOR YOUR CAR AND FOOD AND MASSAGES!!! *hides*
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Man, you are one kickass person. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard just hangin' at Chef like when you are there. BTW, how are those straws? I know you have a lot of inner demons with relationships and things like that. Yet, you seem to pick yourself up at the drop of a hat so you are fit to help others. Don't lose that part of you man, its what make you you!
MWAAHAHAHAHAAA! Whatup G? Such a sweetheart you are. Although I don't gewt to hang out with you much, it always is wonderful to see you. And don't listen to those Poops about your eyes and your hair. Do what YOU want and enjoy it for YOU! Fuck everyone else.
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