- Reply to this post with the words MARSHMALLOW FLUFF and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
meryl_edan chose these
Unfinished Business is one of my favorite eps and this short scene cracks me up to no end. Bill is totally hungover and it's adorable that she has to whisper in his ear to remind him what he was supposed to say.
Bill: "I've been thinking about, uh, what you said. And you may be right...about what you said." Lol
Can you tell that I really like UB? Of all of their scenes at the ropes, I think I like the first one the most, when Laura first walks up to him and they both have big smiles on their faces. And I love the placement of the ropes in this shot.
I really like the graininess and coloring of this one. SWAF is just so perty. And this is a great example of epic Mary hair.
Aw, this desperate little kiss. The look on her face after he leaves gets to me every time.
Laura and Charles, what can I say? One of the most adorable couples ever.
I loved this shot when I first saw it. Raydor looks super fierce in that suit.