Well, this is a blast from the past. Posting arty stuff on a Sunday. Only one thing of worth this week done whilst keeping my head down at the local village art club.
Twas an interesting experience. Nice bunch of folks, and a heck of a lot more of them than I thought there would be. I forget what was once a wee village when I was a kid is now growing into a behemoth of a community...probably rated as a town now. Did feel like a bug under a microscope with everyone coming over to check out the 'newbies' credentials. Luckily, my fellow art-scribbler wot I dragged along with me can talk for Scotland, so they left me pretty much alone, and I got away with a few smiles and an in-depth discussion about erasers (which I, very sadly, initiated). Had eraser envy, y'see, when woman opposite brought out a battery operated one. Ooh, the technology. Fellow art scribbler had to endure much 'I can give you a few pointers' whereas I just had to put up with listening to an unsubtle discussion between two of the attendees about the brilliance of watercolour and the *spit on the floor* easy medium of pastels. 'Parrently they don't compare. And pastels are messy. And easier than watercolour. Uh huh? Your point is? I was hysterically laughing in my head. Think I was meant to get 'involved' in the discussion, but sadly I happen to think all art mediums are equal in merit and...I don't have my head up my arse. Well, only every other Tuesday.
So, anyhoo, actually did art. Wow. First for absolutely ages. It's a commission for a friend (who worryingly hasn't responded so it might be one that's just going to live in the art-folder-of-old-scribbles).
Gary the cat