The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
After a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with
ryoga_sama to repopulate the Earth?A red-headed asian girl. Does
xxxdamagedgoods know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?I'm sure she does.Would
kahrazy be better described as a hero or a villian?Villian! muwahahahaHave you ever seen
crazifiederest naked?Sadly, no. Sexiness!What would
jandoes like to do for a living?erm...Either techie, or something that involves stripping.Can
jasiri solve a Rubik's Cube?I think that if he had the patience or time to sit down and do it, he'd solve it eventually.Do you envy
the1entrancer's job?no.. i don't think i could be on the computer that much. :)Does
fedoradragon have a funny-shaped head or what?hahahahah..... what
I am ambiguous girl!What would happen if
crazygood and
turkishangora went on a date together?Turk would probably ask a bunch of Harry Potter and Buffy preference questions, followed by crazy's evil answers of doomitity, and they would never see eachother again.What's up with
slksln?Y'know, I've been wondering that myself.. especially since I never called about that party.. ::sheepish::
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?
Also: I made it past the Marsh Cave and got the crown, beat Astos, returned the crystal, and woke the prince and got the mystic key! Woo!
And my brother officially pissed me off by getting Amanda the same engagement ring I told him I wanted.
First day back a work was less productive than predicted.