More stupidity

Aug 29, 2005 01:14

Kristin's post to me.
"Yeah, fuck you...
Current mood: WTF?!?

It's funny, you go to check up on somebody only to find that they havent changed one single fat bit. One of my last roommates has a LJ that I check every once and again to see whats up and to give my bud, Laura updates since she has no internet yet. Well, what do I find? Apparently, she looked me up to make sure I was ok, and found my journal entry to be less than satisfying. I had written an entry a few days ago saying that I was apprehensive about a new roommate. Gee? I wonder why? However, this meant that my whole entry was about her. No, sweetheart, I had problems with other people too. Does anyone remember Jen from summer college? The one who went through my shit and got kicked off campus all the while spreading lies about me like a high school piece of crap? And you wanna hear something bad about Laura and Michelle? Laura= the one bitching about your dishes and messes all the time and then leaving. Michelle= I was just generally pissed that she wasnt ever there, because I liked her around. Happy now? Plus, I had an entire year by myself in Smyth that was so miserable I wanted to die.

I also love how "skewed" my perception of why I was bitter towards this person. But, here's the truth: MY rat? Yeah, but I never heard you say you felt uncomfortable with him there, and I wasnt the one who LIED twice about the RA situation. First it was "Im sorry they told me not to tell you that I knew they saw him." Bullshit!!!! Then, right in front of brett and Laura, you said "No, they never told me not to tell you." Wow. I NEVER EVER lied to you. As much as you would have deservered it. So, really, I could have avoided all that mess had you just grown some and told me right out. I would have done it for you. Laura and I turned this over and over in our minds why you did this. Dont believe me? Ask her.

And I Never ate your god damned food. If I did, I asked or let you know that I tried something you bought. But all my food usually had a label that said "light" or something of that nature. Again, Laura and I were confused as to where you got the notion that someone, other than yourself, was eating "all" your food. Cuz, lord knows, you NEVER ate any of mine.

And we all had unclean habits, my dear. But I never barked at you about your dishes. Or anything you left on the tables. I never even said anything about when your friends left their messes behind foryou to clean up except that I thought it was fucked up for them to do that to you. What? You mean...I cared about you? Yep. With the past tense highlighted. I used to hate Scott for what he did to you. Acting like a child in front of your firends, call you names, borderline abusing you. laura and I both couldnt stand how he treated you. Which is why I stood up for you that day and I still dont apologize for it. But, now Im convinced that you two deserve each other.You want that crap, and he dishes it out. Have fun. You can just go on telling yourself what ever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better, hun. Cuz I have officially stopped giving a damn. Excuse me for fealling bitter towards you because I was concerned and felt helpless. That's all I will say, I'm done."

I want to say this; here's exactly what happened with the rat:
RA's busted in the room and told me I had to talk to them, and they were going to have disciplinary action on her no matter what I said. While they were in the room, Griffin made noises under her bed, and it was impossible for me to deny he was there. I said "Look, I don't want to get my room mate in trouble. I know you can hear him." They admitted as much and said they didn't want to come between us, and that I should probably stay out of the situation. But they said before they left that they were relieved someone had had the maturity to talk about the situation truthfully, and that if she had brought it up with them, they would have found her a place to keep Griffin instead of having her take it home where he got sick and eventually died. When Kristin cam home, I said "They know." She said "did they see him?" I answered truthfully, "No, but they know. They were in the room." "But they didin't see him, so they don't know shit." I felt a bit intimidated because she seemed very angry. "Trust me, they know, they heard him." And as I didn't know what else to say, I let up. She wrote an irate email to my RA telling her more lies, and blamed the situation on me, for LYING, QUOTE, LYING, about the situation.

When I said "they told me not to tell you" I meant what she said about trying not to let this get between us (and I told you that), which OBVIOUSLY IT DID, and when I said "They didn't tell me not to," I meant they didn't actually tell me not to tell you. Wow. Get over yourself. Just because things didn't go the way you wanted them to, doesn't mean I was malicious or lied, actually I was scared for and OF you. Because frankly, you abuse me much more than supposedly Scott will ever or ever had. Frankly, you made me want to kill myself, and are one of the reasons I went to talk to a counsilor, and couldn't tell you and Laura why I went.

Also, I find it hard to believe that Laura was complaining about MY messes, and even if she was, at least I cleaned.. If not as much as Laura, at least much more than Kristin, who rarely did her dishes, which I TOLERATED. But even if she was complaining about it, it's a LEGITIMATE THING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. If she had told me it was me, I would have tried even harder to fix it.

She told me that my boyfriend abused me, didn't think he treated me right.. I also tolerated this because I had told her that it sorta bothered me when he called me tubby, but we worked that one out on our own, so she really didn't have to say "NEVER call her that, that is NEVER cool, and you don't know how much it hurts." I don't remember all the other stuff she said, but it was very forceful, and Scott and I had the situation just fine, thank-you. And by the way, Kristin tried to placate me by saying although she will never like scott and she think he abuses me, she will never understand what is going on with us so she'll try to let it go. She never did. She actually disrespected me by thinking I couldn't handle the situation myself, and she always treated me like I was taken under her wing, and she was compensating for my lameness. At least Caro gives me the option of dealing with my own life, and she respects me enough to tell me the truth without letting it come between us, and actually can deal with me saying stuff like "do you know where *blank* is?" or, "Why did you do *blank* when I asked you not to?" or, "Could you please do *blank* for me?" Holy God, I didn't know people were actually like this!

Basically she made my life hell. I tried to talk, she thought it was "superficial." I tried to be firm by asking for compensation after cleaning up after her instead of getting charged and getting a parking ticket for it, and she acted like that meant I hated her. (Because she left moving out till the last minute, so it was fine if she didn't do her share.) Sad, because she's a cool person, but the second anything got rocky she blamed everything on me. I'm not perfect, I was a bit harsh on her a couple times, but I tried. And I do think I flew off the handle at the "I haven't had much luck in the past with room mates" thing, but ya know, I don't think this is such a huge loss. I was miserable around her anyway.

But you know what, at least I didn't get in your and Royy's business when you were talking about leaving him, or how unhappy you were, or when he was sexist and shitty to you, and I always thought of how everything would affect you. I even stood up for you against countless people.

Hmm.. I don't know why I'm saying "you", because she's probably not going to read this anyway.. but at least I feel better getting this out rather than keeping it all in. Goodbye to her, sucks she had to be "The Queen". Oh, and I never wanted to hear anything bad about Laura and Michelle, because I love them. Thank-you-very-much.

Annnnnnnd I feel like a douche. But the damage is done, and I suppose it's better out than in, even though it was detrimental to something good. At least I can still talk to Laura, which makes me feel a little bit better, but not great. I guess with everything else in my life I should just chalk it up to experience and realize that built-up frustrations are a very destructive force. Just another of those things that they tell you that you don't realize until later.
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