Abbie was being goofy today. We have a routine when I let the dogs out. They go "outside" out front, since there's a sizeable Rottweiler tied up to his doghouse in my back neighbors yard. My dogs are good and don't wander so it works out. Abbie is perpetually trying to go outside to explore - while I stand there and keep guard. Occasionally, she will wander past the threshold and I will kick at her to get her back inside. She stands on her back legs and bats at my feet. We do this every day. She also loves to run into her little hidey-hole and then swat at my feet (and the dogs as they run by).
She has also developed a cardboard fetish. She chews cardboard boxes like they're the newest flavor of Triscuits out on the market! In her cardboard chewing frenzy, she has created a fort - with a hole just big enough for her to get inside!
Fort Abigail.
And this is what Racer thinks of the whole situation...