edit: I think you should have to take a breathaliser test before being allowed to post to your livejournal. Apologies everyone! To be honest I'm not exactly sure what I was talking about. ^^; I'll put the drunken ramblings under a cut, though I think the damage has already been done...
Wed id the otelt rubn plus 1!! cus most opeople stop at the drydock and we went to japanaic. Brasiklla a dnd SHARK is amazing and its so hard to type with fake naills, you know?
BNow I'm goging to wqatch HARRY POETTER with lots of SNAPE, and maybe have freadms but notabout Weste and Simon cus that was disturbing and gross.
I like Mr. Children. Mmm, he looks lioke a chicken OI think!! and I got ANGEL WINGS from gay mike who apparently had rerams about me,. That was so funny, he said he did and thebn everytone else started saying that they did too? So I was a little freaked out but in a good ways.
I wam qaa little bit sad because that was the last night out with everyone though I ';ll probably go to JApanesic again tomorrow weegvening after the dmeal with Daryl,, thought I hope its not too expenswive cus I thionk I spent about 20 quid todfaty including lunch and dinner and stuff.
Oh well.
an d I 'm going gay clubbing with big tall gay dan sojme weekend in Lodon aqnd he'll pay my ticket, how awesome is tyhat!!\
Snaope is waiting for mea dhna Huyde, whppp