Where to begin???
- Heroes in HD 1080i is AWESOME
- Any other Veronica Mars fans super excited to see Weevil??? I know I was.
- Peter from the future is r-tarded
- Claire/Peter is not official canon GO! Of this, I'm sure. They have too much chemistry for the producers NOT to hype it up
- Sylar/Claire is THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD! *HOMG, I have so many fic ideas in my head*
- Noah is BAD ASS
- I officially no longer like Mohinder
- Maya really needs to die
- The whole "Fly" thing going on with Mohinder is LAME-O. Fast Forward through that please
- Surprisingly, Niki wasn't too bad... but we'll see how long I last in that opinion
- DUN DUN DUN... I think I'm beginning to like Claire. Now that she legitimately has a reason to be all emo, and the way she looked at Sylar... and and and, asking "Aren't you going to kill me?" WIN <3
- Ando with powers = NO (Damn it, what's next Noah with POWERS? Blasphemy, I tell you!)
- Oh, and hello - no surprise here, but ELLE!!!!!!!! ILU. If you die, I will jump off a roof. God, your badassery is never-ending!
- Mom Patrelli, totally called her dream power
- Nathan - If possible, he managed to get even lamer. Man, I can't stand his storyline.
- Hiro - adorable
- Speedster chick - meh, wh'ever -- filler
- I hope there's lots of Weevil to come! WEEVLE!!!!!
- Overall, I found it a little lacking, kind of trite in some places, but still - off to a better start than how it ended last season. (Or MONTHS of ancient Japanese flashbacks)
- Matt, talking to the turtle, priceless
- THEY SENT MOLLY AWAY. Ha ha ha! I hate kids (Notice there was no Micah either... off to a good start)
- Mohinder really should've been gay. I don't buy him as a hetero AT ALL
- Hiro's dad, and the safe - hilarious. "Don't open it!" "Ya, let's open it"
- Sylar as Noah's partner, say wha?????
I think that's all. I laughed, I "WTF"-ed, I LOLed, I can't wait for more.