I want to make out with you. Just once. Now that's it safe.

Mar 02, 2005 15:20

Ok, so I don't think I've said much about this, but in 3 days I'm competing in Santa Clara (about an hour away from San Francisco) at a dance convention with the Jr. Program at Millennium! We're dancing to "Maps" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs... seriously, the sexiest fucking dance ever. Also, the most tiring! It's crazy, like, we're dancing together on certain parts, and then we all completely break off in to our own groups, and there's crazy leaps and holds...ugh, it's just sex.

But yes, about me being 19, and the limit being 18. I've ALWAYS wanted to be apart of something like this, so I was asking Erika Diaz (the artistic director of the Jr. Program) what the age limit was and if I could just come in and take class once. I've seen these kids dance before...wow...like...the shit they do is harder the stuff that's on the adult schedule. So yeah, I wanted to just class and Erika was like, "Of course, come take on Tuesday!" It was so hard. But she randomly brought this dance to "Maps", and she tried it on all of us, and she was like, "...we're taking this to competition." And then she looked at me, "Do it with us?"

That was like, 3 months ago, and thus, here we are going to competition in 3 days! I'm sooo excited! It was so awesome, we had our last rehearsal last night, and like, every other rehearsal we've had she'd be yelling, "You guys look like shit!" and finally, last night, "And that's how you dance, thank you." She pushes so much and I love it.
So yeah, I need headshots, still. I actually took some shots myself that were okay, I took them to Kinko's to look at the quality of them, and they're totally there...the quality that is, the pictures were so not the t. Lol, but I need to re-do it again.
The other day, after work at Millennium, I got pita bread and humas from this place called Noosh. And as I was driving home, I thought of Maria, because that's about as persian I get with my food. So I decided to take her some. She was excited. :o) We've renamed it Pumas. Matt loves Maria! And then fucking randomly, it was like, the hottest day ever...and once I get inside Maria's work...bitch starts raining outside. Like, hardcore. So random.
OOH! Bobbie Newberry taught at Millennium the other day... he taught to "Milkshake"! Lol, the line where it goes, "I think it's time", all you do is look at your wrist all cunty like, it's so fun. And Tricia was in class just watching, and I looked at my wrist on that part and she went, "Biiitch." Haha, I love how Biiitch is the greatest compliment you can give a dancer.
Hip hop team had a random performance in El Segundo last saturday...it was really fun, but seriously, everyone there was black. Not saying that's bad in the least, I just felt hella out of place. Afterwards, Beau, Kristi and myself went to Chili's to see my husband. We were soooo weird there! Like, we were laughing at anything and everything. Like, this table got their food and Kristi was like, "Damn that looks good, what is it?" just saying it to Beau and me, so I yell across the aisle to the table, "Hey, what is that?" The lady replied all nicely like isnt wasnt weird at all, "Boneless Buffalo Chicken Salad". It was so funny. I almost stabbed Kristi in the eye and killed a baby with a steak knife...Kristi would have been so sad. And that's it. No other emotions.
But the entire way there, my tooth was killing me!!!!! I went to some random doctor on my corner named Dr. Rabi... and I don't have dental insurance because we're all too old to still be on the one we had all our lifes, cuz it was my mom's. And yeah, we just never renewed. But i have a massive crater in my tooth I needed to get that shit checked out. So I went... and without insurance, a fucking x-ray just to see the tooth was $25. And then he's like, "It's gonna need a root canal which is $400, then a filling on top of that which is $150, and finally, a crown over all of it to hold it in place, which will cost $500...............

I tried explaining this to my mom, and she was like, "No, fuck no" and I gave the phone to the doctor because I just didn't want to deal with either of them... yeah, so I left. That's fucking a rip, over $1000 on one tooth... so over it. It can just fall out.
Omg, the other week, went to Chili's with Oscar, Nima, Katy, Andrew, and Lindsey (with my husband off shift), and guess who we saw? Tiffany Amber Thessian. Fucking Kelly Kaposki from Saved by the Bell! Oscar is so mean... he said she looked as if someone tied her to the back of a chariot, and just like, drove for days. He's horrible.

I have to go let water cascade down my naked body as I lather every inch of it with creamy white soap.....a shower, you fucks.
Omg, one more thing, last week at Micky's, I entered the dance competition (as well did Beau), and I took off my pants.....and underneath......I was wearing Katy's pink ass booty shorts. It was awesome. There's a picture of it online, but I refuse to post it. You must go find it yourself somehow. It's wretched. Fucking, wretched. I love Oscar.
I'm done.
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