Title: (If I) Lose It All
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain was created by Annie Proulx and the screenplay was written by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana.
Rating: Mature
Comments: This is the sequel to "When Love Takes You In". Read that first if you haven't.
Summary: A phone call from Randall threatens to change Jack and Ennis's lives forever.
Chapter Seven )
Comments 14
I really love Jack and Ennis in this fic. Especially touching in the earlier chapter where Jack fessed up, how you had them both dealing with the whole Randall call (and what that meant from a perspective of Jack's infidelity and their own health and future together).
So glad you updated! I've been wondering what would happen with this wonderful BBM story since the 'confrontation' chapter and the fun in the snow chapter. So Bobby definitely is now dealing with his feelings about his father's relationship with Ennis and his own guilt for wishing them bad, when now it may actually be a reality. Too bad he 'dealt' with it my stealing the car and totalling it. Jack's a good parent making him work to pay them back.
this slayed me, btw: "One of the guys wanted to stick him in a holding cell to scare him and teach him a lesson" ha ha. well, i would've done the exact same thing but bobby has finally come to his senses!
no more greedy-ness. yay.<3
i love this story and it was a bit sad, i thought you had forgotten about it...thank you !
thanks for the update nicky xxx
I am still worried about Jack and Ennis's test results, but I am glad to see Bobby coming around.
Looking forward to more!
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