I woke up at 6 am to check on the results; at that point the House had been taken but it looked like the Republicans had held on to the senate
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AHHHH. Best lunch ever! I was super hormonal and craving comfort food and big slab of meat, so I made a nice, juicy steak and mac-n-cheese from scratch. I have diet coke, tea, and hobnobs. Now I will pop in Joce's Singing in the Rain and I'm going to have myself a good time. Yee-haw!
I've danced more than I've slept in the last week. I'm going to collapse.
I pulled off my Vichy presentation tho. Yay me.
SPAMALOT! TIM CURRY! I LOVES IT! There's nothing like singing along to Look on the Brighter Side of Life with TIM CURRY!! and a theater full of Brits. LOVES IT.
I was in Tesco an hour ago, and seeing the image of the building on fire and hearing the words "plane, building, New York" just gave me chills. I think I had a minor panic attack.
So I just partied my brains out in one of the poshest clubs in London on a Monday night. HOW FABULOUS IS THAT? It's only been two week but how the hell am I going to survive in Wellesley the Wilderness next year?