Welcome! This journal is unlocked, used to be mostly Harry Potter fic and art, and now it's mostly BBC Sherlock fic and art.
The full list of my work can be found here.
So, yes, hi! My name's Michele, and I've been in fandom for about...six years now? I started out in Harry Potter, mostly reading and writing Harry/Cedric, and that little rare pair corner was my first real fandom home. We were a small but loyal group and I loved it. But sadly, all of those faces have moved on, understandably so since our canon ran out ages ago. Now I'm mostly reading and writing BBC Sherlock, and enjoying it immensely.
The most popular things that I've written are
Being Liquid, which was a Harry Potter fic for the
lgbtfest and pairs genderqueer!Teddy and lesbian!Victoire, and
Under Control which was my first foray into Sherlock and features hypnosis kink.
ETA: I've decided that what I really want to be is an art beta, so if anyone wants feedback on their fanart, please ask! (Insert line about how I'm the only one in the world; I invented the job.)
Friending is encouraged, so please do leave a comment and say hello!