Yeah, he is a creapy fucker. Let luer the fat bastard in with some milk and cookies, then beat the bastard down, and have him arested on petafile charges. Then we'll see how the music sounds next year. I bet they revamp the whole christmas persona entirely!
"This just in! Two college girls who've identified themselves as "one" and "two" of the colation to stop all things stupid and bring on all things silly, have landed old saint nick in jail this christmas eve. According to the girls santa was slinking around thier complex, peering in windows, "whitnessing" things and makeing a strange grunting sound while "adjusting" his red trousers. When the girls realized he had no intent of party or booze, they snuck out the back door armed with pots and pans. They ambused the elderly fat man and when it became obvious what he had been doing, they asalted him with said pots and pans. Christmas day, mr clause was found tied to a palm tree in the courtyard of the "headquarters" apartment complex while local drunks and hangabouts sipped moring margaritas and laughed of another victory for team hq."
Comments 5
and yeah, FUCK CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! fuck it with a jagged stick
Yeah, he is a creapy fucker. Let luer the fat bastard in with some milk and cookies, then beat the bastard down, and have him arested on petafile charges. Then we'll see how the music sounds next year. I bet they revamp the whole christmas persona entirely!
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